A Hearthstone simulator and implementation, written in Python. This repo has the objective to create a functional AI framework for educational purposes. This repo is still in it's first developments stages.
- Python 3.8+
First get inside AI_HearthstoneSimulator folder then:
pip install .
To check installation and run a random game in the simulator go to tests folder and run
python full_game.py
The Fireplace Wiki is the best source of documentation, along with the actual code.
I have add changes or created to the following files:
- full_game.py (./tests)
- utils.py (./fireplace)
- game.py (./fireplace)
- decks folder (./fireplace)
Fireplace is licensed under the terms of the Affero GPLv3 or any later version.
Fireplace is a HearthSim project. Join the community: https://hearthsim.info/join/