Code for notifications via mqtt with Esp8266 and 8x8 max7219 driven led matrix
You will need an Esp8266 board , five jumpers and an 8x8 max7219 driven led matrix.
I use it with a mosquitto server, openhab 2.0 (with openhab cloud), and ifttt.
Dont forget to install openhab cloud bidding , enable your items through the PAPER UI , and connect it to ifttt.
My code is not storage efficient (pretty noob with c),be aware it could not fit your device.
This code uses librarys that are not mine , all credits to the developers that created them. Such as : -
First release has only youtube and gmail icons.This web is neat for drawing new ones: -
It works with one or more displays , eventhough the code is now working with only one.
You are free to use it and edit it as you want , also i'll upload any provided change if it performs better in any way.
Schematics of the connection:
Display<+++++>esp<---->wifi<----->mqtt + openhab ^ | | internet(openhab cloud)<-----> ifttt ^ new Gmail--------------------------------------------------------| new Youtube video -----------------------------------------------|
You will have to edit this parameters to suit your configuration.
const char* ssid = "WLAN_XXXX"; // red wifi const char* password = "PASSWORD"; // contraseña const char* mqttServer = "server.lan/"; // direccion servidor mqtt const int mqttPort = 1883; // puerto de escucha del servidor mqtt const char* mqttUser = "USER"; // usuario mqtt const char* mqttPassword = "USERPASS"; // contraseña mqtt const char* tp = "cmnd/EspNotifier"; // hilo de sub/pub int data = 14; // DIN pin of MAX7219 module int load = 13; // CS pin of MAX7219 module int clock = 12; // CLK pin of MAX7219 module int maxInUse = 1; //how many MAX7219 are connected
You will need an Esp8266 board , five jumpers and an 8x8 max7219 driven led matrix.
My code is not storage efficient (pretty noob with c),be aware it could not fit your device.
This code uses librarys that are not mine , all credits to the developers that created them. Such as :
It works with one or more displays , eventhough the code is now working with only one.
You are free to use it and edit it as you want , also i'll upload any provided change if it performs better in any way.
You will have to edit this parameters to suit your configuration.
int data = 14; // DIN pin of MAX7219 module int load = 13; // CS pin of MAX7219 module int clock = 12; // CLK pin of MAX7219 module int maxInUse = 1; //how many MAX7219 are connected
Serial: Please enter something: hello world Please enter speed: 70 || ------------------------------->Matrix(showing "hello world" at speed "70")