The GitHub Commit Crawler (ghcc) is a tool that enumerates members of a github organization, looks for their public commits and parses those commits for keywords/regexes that may contain sensitive information (e.g., API keys).
To make this easier to use and quicker to setup, we shoved everything in a docker container.
The crawler process is intended to be run at regularly intervals (ie, every 30 minutes).
The main
script simply inserts results into a MongoDB collection. We provide a thin web app to view the results and do other related tasks (like edit the config, supervise the processes, etc).
Within MongoDB, the document looks like:
"_id": ObjectId("54a6f232a0b7f9f39eb749b0"),
"blob": "",
"audit_date": ISODate("2015-01-02T19:32:01.992Z"),
"commit_url": "",
"uid": "jfalken-2490741299",
"author": "jfalken",
"html_url": "",
"string": "@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@\n-BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY\n+BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY2\n sample.\n\\ No newline at end of file"
And the web app that views the results provides basic links and pagination for the results:
Hitting the 'Diff' button will show just the patch and highlight the found keyword.
Logs are written to a logfile. In order to view this more easily when run from Docker, you can view the logs from the app:
To ease installation and trial usage, we've created a Dockerfile that will package up ghcc, mongodb and its viewer all-in-one. When started, the container uses supervisord run mongodb, the crawler and a gunicorn application server to run the viewer web app.
From the web app, you can view the supervisord status for each process, and restart those processes if needed. Additionally, the config file can be edited directly from the web ui, so there is no need to adjust files
This script requires a Github personal access token that has the following permissions:
- to read members in an organization.
This token can be created in Github under Settings > Personal Access Tokens
Note: the user must be a member of the organization you are trying to audit.
When you run start the app, it'll ask you for this info.
First, pull Dockerfile from Dockerhub
docker pull jfalken/github-commit-crawler
Then, run the image to create a container, mapping a local port (5000) to the container's exposed port (5000)
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 jfalken/github-commit-crawler
If you installed via DockerHub, skip this section as your image is already built - scroll down to Connecting
You can git clone [email protected]:10gen/github_commit_crawler.git
Alternatively, download the zip from Github and extract it to wherever you want.
Edit the file ghcc_process/libs/
, to include any additional keywords you want to search for. These keywords are case insensitive. Its a good idea to include keywords that are company sensitive and likely should not exist in a public repo.
Docker needs to be installed, see docker installation guides
Build the Docker Image
From the directory with the
,sudo docker build -t jfalken/ghcc .
You can use a different tag (-t) if you wish.
This will build the image; it should take a few minutes. The output should look like:
Sending build context to Docker daemon Step 0 : FROM mongo:2.6 Step 1 : MAINTAINER jfalken [email protected] Step 2 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install -y python python-dev python-distribute python-pip libyaml-dev supervisor && easy_install -U pip Step 3 : ADD /ghcc_process ghcc_process Step 4 : ADD /viewer_process viewer_process Step 5 : ADD /config ghcc_process/config Step 6 : RUN pip install -r ghcc_process/requirements.txt Step 7 : EXPOSE 5000 Step 8 : COPY supervisord.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf Step 9 : CMD /usr/bin/supervisord Successfully built 1eed6b7b7c1f
3. You can list the docker images you have with `sudo docker images`:
$ sudo docker images
jfalken/ghcc latest 1eed6b7b7c1f 23 minutes ago 705 MB
Note the IMAGE ID from above; once you RUN this image, it will create a container.
Run the image to create a container
$ sudo docker run -d -p 5000:5000 1eed
We use `-d` to detach the container and let it run in the background
We use `-p 5000:5000` to map `:5000` on the localhost to the exposted port `:5000` of the container
and lastly `1eed` is the image id we wish to run; note we don't need to use the full ID. Just something that is unambiguous.
We can confirm this is running with `sudo docker ps`
$ docker ps
081c48ef6468 jfalken/ghcc:latest "/ /usr 3 seconds ago Up 2 seconds 27017/tcp, 5000/tcp,>500/tcp gloomy_davinci
This is now running; you can connect to the web UI via the exposed port; that is http://localhost:5000
. If you are using boot2docker
, you need to find the local IP via boot2docker ip
When you first start the Docker container and navigate to the web ui, it will present you witht the config screen:
Follow the instructions on screen; add your username
, personal access token
(created earlier) and GitHub org Name
, then submit. This will update the config file, restart the crawler process. Then check out 'home' for the results, or 'Crawler Logs' to see the process.
If you are using Docker on Windows or OSX, you have to use boot2docker. Details on how to configure and get it running is outside the scope of this document. A few things to keep in mind when doing this:
- You won't need to preface all docker commands w
. - To access the web interface, it won't be
, it will be the IP of the boot2docker VM. This can be found withboot2docker ip
The Dockerfile and Docker container is intended for eval purposes. You could run this in a prod environment using Docker, but we currently use a python virtualenv w/ gunicorn to run the application natively.
- Setup a host w/ MongoDB running
- Create a virtual environment
- Install pre-req via
pip install -r requirements.txt
. - Setup cron to execute
at whatever frequency you'd like.
Results will go into you local mongodb database.
- This only looks at public events - if you want to audit commits to private repos, we don't do that yet.
- Only the last 300 commits are checked, we don't go back further in time. This tool is intended to be run fairly frequently (we run every 30 minutes)
- Check out Gitrob, a similar tool with a much prettier interface.
- We only check push_events. Not others, yet
- We don't look at public gists yet.
For issues, please open a GitHub issue.
To contribute, please fork and submit a PR.
We realize we're shoving a ton of stuff into a single Docker container and this is against the Docker philosophy. We do this for ease-of-use demo purposes. For prod use, you should probably run the python scripts by themselves. Or if someone wants to properly Dockerize this, that would be helpful.
There is a locking mechanism so that multiple runs of
won't overlap. If for some reason the script crashes (or you prematurely stop the docker container before a run is complete) and the lock is not released, you can use
script to forcefully remove the lock. Do something like:(default)chris:/ $ docker exec 031b /ghcc_process/ (default)chris:/ $ docker stop 031b (default)chris:/ $ docker start 031b
is the container ID. This will remove the lock, then restart all the things. -
GitHub permits 5,000 API calls per token per hour. In an org of about ~300 users, we are able to run
every 30 minutes and not hit that limit. If you have a larger org, you may want to run it less frequently. We don't support using multiple tokens across a distributed workload, as I believe this is a violation of Github's terms. -
Docker Gotchas:
- We log to a file, not STDOUT. So
docker logs
won't work like it should. This is why the web app has a log viewer. - The crawler runs once when conatiner starts, and it runs once. If you want this run continuously, you could stop/start the container every X minutes via an external process, or modify the ghcc scripts.
- We don't do deduplication on anything. So you'll see multiple hits on the same file if multiple keywords match.
Issues should be created using GitHub issues. If you have an addition, please fork and submit a pull request.
Copyright 2015 Chris Sandulow
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. +