Hex dumper with colors
- ANSI colors for different byte groups such as
- Printable: A-Z, a-z, 0-9
- Spaces: space, tab, new line
- Special: 0x00, 0xFF
- Output multiple formats at once (hexadecimal, decimal, octal, bits or special combination formats)
- Multiple offset formats (hexadecimal, decimal, octal, percentage)
- First one is displayed on left side and second one on the right side
- Read only N bytes
- Seek to given offset
- also reads from end of file when using minus sign
- Seek and limit supports
- Prefixes hex (
), octal (0o
) and binary (0b
) - Units (KB, KiB, MB, MiB, GB, GiB, TB, TiB)
- Prefixes hex (
- Read from stdin
heksa - hex file dumper v1.11.0 - (2020-01-18T19:33:11+02:00)
(c) Pekka Järvinen 2019- [ https://github.com/raspi/heksa ]
heksa [--format|-f <fmt1,fmt2,..>] [--help|-h|-?]
[--limit|-l <[prefix]bytes[unit]>] [--offset-format|-o <fmt1[,fmt2]>]
[--seek|-s <[prefix]offset[unit]>] [--version] <filename> or STDIN
--format|-f <fmt1,fmt2,..> One or multiple of: asc, bit, bitwasc, bitwdec, bitwhex, dec, decwasc, hex, hexwasc, oct (default: "hex,asc")
--help|-h|-? Show this help (default: false)
--limit|-l <[prefix]bytes[unit]> Read only N bytes (0 = no limit). See NOTES. (default: "0")
--offset-format|-o <fmt1[,fmt2]> One or two of: dec, hex, oct, per, no, ''.
First one is displayed on the left side and second one on right side after formatters. (default: "hex")
--seek|-s <[prefix]offset[unit]> Start reading from certain offset. See NOTES. (default: "0")
--version Show version information (default: false)
- You can use prefixes for seek and limit. 0x = hex, 0b = binary, 0o = octal
- Use 'no' or '' for offset formatter for disabling offset output
- Use '--seek \-[prefix]1000' for seeking to end of file
- Offset and seek parameters supports units (KB, KiB, MB, MiB, GB, GiB, TB, TiB)
heksa -f hex,asc,bit foo.dat
heksa -o hex,per -f hex,asc foo.dat
heksa -o hex -f hex,asc,bit foo.dat
heksa -o no -f bit foo.dat
heksa -l 0x1024 foo.dat
heksa -s 0b1010 foo.dat
heksa -s 4321KiB foo.dat
- Terminal with ANSI color support
- KDE's Konsole is currently used for development
- Operating system
- GNU/Linux
- x64 arm arm64 ppc64 ppc64le
- Microsoft Windows
- x64
- Darwin (Apple Mac)
- x64
- FreeBSD
- x64 arm
- NetBSD
- x64 arm
- OpenBSD
- x64 arm arm64
- GNU/Linux
git clone https://github.com/raspi/heksa
- Make changes
make build
or justgo build .
for compressing executables
- Create new version tag
make release
If there's a lot of visual changes you can take new screenshots with screenshot.sh
script in _assets directory