TelusHAssessment is an iOS application that allows users to discover popular movies and view details about them. It follows the principles of Clean Architecture, ensuring a scalable and maintainable codebase. The app fetches data from The Movie Database (TMDb) API to display movie information, including similar movies, on a detail screen.
- Movie List: Displays a list of popular movies fetched from TMDb.
- Movie Detail: Shows detailed information about a selected movie, including title, poster, and synopsis.
- Similar Movies: Displays a list of similar movies under the movie details, allowing users to explore more movies.
This project follows the Clean Architecture approach:
- Presentation Layer: Contains
. TheViewControllers
are responsible for UI rendering and user interactions. TheViewModels
contain the business logic for preparing data for the UI. - Domain Layer: Contains use cases, which represent the core application logic.
- Data Layer: Contains the repository and service classes that handle data fetching from external sources like APIs.
- Xcode 14 or later
- Swift 5.7 or later
- iOS 15.0 or later
- Networking: Handles network requests using the NET library, which simplifies making HTTP requests and handling responses.
- UseCases: Contains the use cases responsible for fetching movies and similar movies. Example: FetchPopularMoviesUseCase.
- Repository: Acts as the single source of truth for movie data, fetching it from the MovieService.
- Coordinator: Manages navigation between screens. Example: MainCoordinator.
- ViewControllers: UI components that display data and handle user interactions.
- ViewModels: Prepare data for the UI by interacting with use cases.
- Tests: Unit tests for various components, ensuring the reliability of the application.
MainCoordinator handles the navigation flow in the app:
- start(): Launches the app with the list of popular movies.
MainViewController displays the list of popular movies:
- Binds to MainViewModel to load and display movies.
- Handles user interactions to navigate to the detail view of a selected movie.
MovieDetailViewController displays detailed information about a movie:
- Shows the movie’s title, poster, and synopsis.
MovieService fetches data from TMDb API:
- fetchPopularMovies(): Retrieves the list of popular movies.
- NET: A custom networking library used to handle HTTP requests and responses. Developed by me
- Combine: Apple’s framework for processing asynchronous events over time.