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jglazar committed Sep 29, 2023
1 parent fd6cafc commit da3c8e6
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Expand Up @@ -287,3 +287,250 @@ Interpretations and frequencies of each state
interest rates underperform, high foreign currency
4. Danger, 16%: global equity does well but high volatility, higher overall
volatility, style factors except momentum perform well

## Kaggle competition winners

### Optiver realized volatility prediction

Most people reverse engineered the time ID to get real prices

1st place
* New features with nearest neighbor aggregation
* Blend LightGBM, MLP, 1D-CNN
* CNN: 584 -dense- 1024 -reshape- 128x8 -conv- 384x8 -avgpool- 384x4 -conv-
384x4 -maxpool- 384x2 -reshape- 768 -dense- 1
* ❌ Didn't work: domain-specific features, TabNet, training on residual,
dimensional reduction

4th place
* Predict target / realized volatility of 0-600 seconds
* Predict average volatility of all stocks in given time

7th place
* LGBM + FFNN ensemble
* Get mean, slope, and error of linear regression on ftrs in 100-sec periods
* BorutaSHAP with XGBRegressor for feature selection. Kept ~60
* Domain-specific ftrs were unimportant

18th place
* If CV improves with new feature, try on leaderboard. Keep if LB score up
* Use RNN to extract features for each stock at each time
* RNN is too slow
* More practically, use handmade features instead of RNN
* Use transformer to capture inter-stock relationships
* Blend with TabNet and NN with different feature sets
* Use nearest neighbors to find top-N closest times, then average ftrs for
each stock from neighbors as new ftrs

25th place
* Tried defining alternate weighted average price fct, but no improvement
* WAP minimizes function
* Alternate WAP fct evaluated at current price gives liquidity
* Trade volume / liquidity has correlation of 0.88 with log-volatility
* LGBM selects features
* Ensemble 2 NN on 4 folds. One takes all 190 ftrs, other takes 40 best ftrs
* Multi-input multi-output rather than individual models for each stock

### Two sigma financial modeling challenge

7th place
* XGB was efficient and fast
* Reverse engineering prices via rolling stddev or cross-sectional normaliz.
didn't work
* Features: 1st and 2nd order differences
* Switch between trending and mean-reversion depending on return dispersion
* Auxiliary strategy bets on inflection points from market extremes (like
getting cheap options)

12th place
* Blend 7 models: Ridge A,B,C with selected features, 222 trees, XGB, Ridge
online rolling fit trained every 100 timesteps, Variance by timestep

### JPX Tokyo stock exchange predictoin

4th place
* Rank `return_1day` descending, and if `expecteddividend > 0`, rank it lowest
* `return_1day = ftrs['adjustedclose'].pct_change(1)`

7th place
* Group stocks by sector and train LGBM on each sector
* Optuna tuned `num_leaves, max_depth, learning_rate, n_estimators`
* Rank by predicted change ratio

8th place
* Create ftrs: open-close returns, close-close returns, amplitude, volatility,
moving avgs
* Set sensible defaults
* Walk-forward CV for LGBM

### Jane Street market prediction

1st place
* Blend Autoencoder+MLP and XGBoost
* Bottleneck + MLP + Keras Tuner 8601c5. Adjust CV to prevent leakage
* Autoencoder+MLP alone still earns 1st place
* 5-fold 31-gap purged time-series CV. Remove first 85 days due to different
feature variance, forward-fill missing vals, use mean of abs vals of
targets as sample weights
* Autoencoder makes new ftrs, which are added to originals for downstream MLP
* Add target info to autoencoder to create more relevant ftrs, add Gaussian
noise layer before encoder to prevent overfitting, use swish activation
instead of ReLU to prevent dead neurons and smooth gradient
* Batch normalization and dropout for MLP, early stopping with BCE loss
* Average over 3 random seeds to reduce variance
* Hyperopt for hyperparamter tuning

3rd place
* Ensemble of 15 49-layer MLPs
* Input batchnorm + log ftrs extension - 1x - 3 dense layers w 100 units,
batchnorm, dropout 0.35, mish activation - 23x - 2 dense layers same as
above - skip connection sbt blocks 0 and 1-23 - output dense layer with 5
resps, sigmoid activation
* Threshold at 0.5
* Remove first 85 days, include rows with zero weight, NaN fill with median
conditioned on f0
* Train: batch 30k, Adam with lr=1e-3, 200 epochs, loss mixes BCE and utility
* Train on 85-300, validate on 350-500. Rerun with 8 rng seeds
* Inference by converting to tf-lite (greatly improves speed)

10th place
* Geometric Brownian motion w drift fitting gives returns of each time horizon
* Uses returns to predict drift
* Mixture density network with neg-log-lik loss fct estimates same thing
* Predict lower-triangular sqrt of cov matrix and mean vector. Very finicky
* Uses features and drift to predict returns

23rd place
* Classification labels from sigmoid(a * returns)
* Log-transform weights for CV
* Ensemble 20 MLPs, 5 densenets, 5 resnets on large-weight data; 1 MLP on rest
* Submit 1 final model with threshold 0.49 and another with 0.51 (bull, bear)

39th place
* Mean OOF utility scores, basic GroupKFold split with 50 dates as groups
* Rolling lag features for ftr0, before/after lunch time, slope of ftr64
* Multi-label output, skip resp4 target, predict mean of all other resps
* 3-layer MLP with batch normalization and dropout. Optimize using LAMB w
lookahead. 50 models total (5 folds, 10 seeds each)
* Bet if 66% of models vote for it. Higher threshold for bigger bets (lowers
variance). Each model has 1 vote per target
* ❌ AdaHessian optimizer, TabNet, and knowledge distillation performed worse

44th place
* 5-fold purged time series CV with 20 gap, early stopping with valid-auc
* Fill NaN with 0 and FeatureNeutralization(p=0.25), fill NaN with mean,
denoising autoencoder
* Ensemble of NN, CNN, and DenseNet. Weights determined by CV

## G-Research crypto forecasting

2nd place
* LightGBM GBDT with squared loss. No ensembling, regularizatoin,
augmentation, neutralization. Only tune number of estimators, number of
leaves, and learning rate
* CPython and Numba for feature generation (not shared with public)
* 6-fold walk-forward grouped CV, 40-week groups, gap 1 week, 20 week skips

3rd place
* 7-fold embargo CV for single LightGMB
* Only use close, use difference bt change of each currency and change of all
currencies, ignore times with too few cryptos, forward fill, use log of
ratio of current value to prior value, use diff bt price and avg crypto

7th place
* Nx90x14x9 time, minute, asset, ftrs input - Nx90x14x64 MLP - add 2D
positional embedding - axial transformer encoder - pooling for time series
Nx14x64 - transformer encoder - MLP - output Nx14

9th place
* Use Hull moving avg, lag feature with Fibonacci sizes 55,210,340,890,3750
* 3 LightGBM: one each trained on up, down, neutral markets. Default params

13th place
* 17 ftrs w lagged and timestamp avgs, target engineering, pred switching
* EMAs, historical returns, historical vols over various lookbacks
* Avg above ftrs over timestamps to produce more ftrs
* Binning to 500-1000 unique values worked well
* Split target into forward 15 min return and beta of future on past
* Ensemble LGBM and Keras NN
* Download and train on additional data from Binance helped a little
* ❌ Didn't work: classification, hyperparam tuning, PCA features, using all
14 assets features

14th place
* Ensemble 2 LGBM: one learning each asset individually with 20 technical
indicators and 2 time features; one learning all asset data
* SMA diff, Bollinger bands, RSI, ATR, log returns, upper/lower shadow

23rd place
* Add features asset return, portfolio return, difference, asset return for
moving avg. All for past 1,2,3,5,10,15,20,30,40,50,60 min.
* Ensemble of 12 * 5 LGBM models
* Add Gaussian noise to all ftrs and target to smooth tree predictions and
augment dataset

37th place
* Ensemble of default XGB, low tuned XGB, and 2 LGBMs, each w different seed

### Ubiquant market prediction

1st place
* Ensemble average of (LGBM x 5 folds) and (TabNet x 5 folds)
* Custom MLPs were unstable in CV
* Add avg value at each time for top 100 ftrs after sorting correlation of 300
features with target
* Purged group time series CV

2nd place
* Ensemble 5 LightGBM with early stopping based on CV correlation
* Add 300+100 ftrs as above and mean/std/1st/5th/9th deciles for each ftr
* Purged group time series CV k-fold with embargo
* ❌ Didn't work: Autoencoder MLP, feature neutralization, PCA

3rd place
* 5 seeds ensemble of 6-layer transformer, maxseqlength = 3500 investments, PCCLoss
* 10 epochs on training and 3 on supplemental data
* Original 300 ftrs, random zero on ftr level and random mask on seq level
* Last 100/200/300 CV
* ❌ Didn't work: feature clipping, avg ftr groups by time id, ftr selection
by corr, sample selection/weighting, target norm./clipping, LGB, MLP, 1DCNN

5th place
* NN with 4 dense layers, Adam optimizer, MSE loss, RMSE and WCorr metrics
* 300,256,128,32 MLP. Ensemble 20 models, each trained on 20% of data and
validated on 5%
* Target log transformation, remove 127 outliers
* Transform ftrs with QuantileTransformer
* Custom CV with 20 folds and 10 purged timesteps

7th place
* Single LGB with hand-tuned params, extratrees=True
* Custom (secret) feature engineering
* Basic version with only original 300 ftrs scores outside of medal range
* Standard TimeSeriesSplit CV

8th place
* Weighted ensemble of 0.92(1/2 (10 LGBM) + 1/2 (30 NN)) + 0.08(custom model)
* Split dataset in 2 to save memory
* Add avg of each ftr per timestep and diff b/t current value and rolling avg
of hand-selected ftrs
* Check if ftr correlates with target's sign when significantly different
from rolling avg
* Custom model based off rare events of informative ftrs scores poorly
* CV on last 25% of data. Final submission used entire dataset
* Form bull/bear model by multiplying/dividing positive/negative preds by 1.4

17th place
* NN with hidden layers of size 1000 and 512
* Train for 21 epochs, go through entire train set twice per epoch, L2 with
128 batch and decaying learning rate for 1st run and L1 + variance with 1000
batch and small constant learning rate for 2nd run.
* Average predictions from 11th, 16th, and 21st epochs
* Remove ftrs using permutation importance
* Add missing ftr to check if stock is present in previous timestep. Common in
Chinese market to suspend trading
* Batch normalize all ftrs except missing ftr
* Only use stocks after 850th timestep, weight new timesteps higher
* Scale target using mean and std within each timestep
* ✅ Tips: blend NN with LightGBM (but beware memory issues), don't run many
hyperparam experiments (low signal-noise)

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