Habitat Home Corporate Site and the tools and processes in it, is a Sitecore® solution example built using standard Sitecore MVC on the Sitecore Experience Platform™ (XP) following the Helix architecture principles.
No. You should not clone this repository for the purposes of starting a new Sitecore project. There are other community solutions which can be used as a starter for Helix-based Sitecore implementations. Habitat Home Corporate is intended as a demo site demonstrating the basic Sitecore platform capabilities.
Sitecore maintains the Habitat Home Corporate example, but Habitat Home Corporate code is not supported by Sitecore Product Support Services. Please do not submit support tickets regarding Habitat Home Corporate.
The code, samples and/or solutions provided in this repository are for example purposes only and without warranty (expressed or implied). The code has not been extensively tested and is not guaranteed to be bug free.
The latest Habitat Home Corporate site is built to support the following version of the Sitecore Experience Platform:
- Sitecore Experience Platform 9.2
In order to install the latest version of Sitecore that works with the Habitat Home Corporate site, you need to head over to the Sitecore.HabitatHome.Utilities repo and follow the instructions there. The Sitecore.HabitatHome.Utilities repository is a collection of useful utilities and script examples to help in the context of the Habitat Home Demos, of which one is this Habitat Home Corporate site.
Please post any issues on the Slack Community #habitathome channel or create an issue on GitHub.
Contributions are always welcome!