Postdoc Mov. Dis. and Neuromodulation @ Charite Berlin
- Berlin
- @jeroenhabets1
pyaDBS_ReTuneC04 Public
pythons-based aDBS framework for ReTune C04 projects
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 12, 2025 -
PyPerceive Public
Goal: Importing and using Perceive'd Percept data in Python
lid_opm Public
Exploring cortical patterns of levodopa induced dyskinesia using OPM-MEG.
dyskinesia_neurophys Public
Repo to decode dyskinesia presence and severity from cortical and subcortical electrophysiology signals.
ReTap Public
ReTap is an open-source tool to generate automated UPDRS finger-tapping predictions based on index-finger accelerometer data
ultraleap_analysis Public
Analyzing UltraLeap data
ultraleap-tracking Public archive
Backup version for repo from jAchtzehn
brady_reallife Public
Motion sensor (acc) based Brady monitoring for PD, experiment from real-life environment.
sensor_EMA_PD_monitoring Public
Code to test technical validity of public data set containing objective wearable sensor (accelerometer and gyroscope) data and subjective EMA (ecological momentary assessment) data.
Development of prediction model for motor response after STN DBS outcome after one year
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedSep 10, 2020 -
medStateDetection Public
Differentiation between PD (bradykinesia focussed) medication states based on accelerometer data