Lendops-dev is based on VVV: a local developer environment, mainly aimed at WordPress developers. It uses Vagrant and VirtualBox/Parallels/HyperV to create a linux server environment for building sites, and contributing to WordPress itself.
VVV stands for Varying Vagrant Vagrants.
To use it, download and install Vagrant and a provider such as VirtualBox, Docker, or Parallels Pro. Then, clone this repository and run:
vagrant plugin install --local
vagrant up --provision
- Edit config/config.yaml and set the folders directive for public_html;
- Set the repo to a repository with the base public_html/ folder of WordPress files/content/etc.
- Ensure you have or create a backup of the MySQL database (either from existing git repo or generated yourself) by placing it in databases/sql/backup/poc_lendistry-devel_net.sql for Vagrant provisioning.
Export a database from a running (local VM) site like so:
$ vagrant ssh -c 'mysqldump poc_lendistry-devel_net' > database/sql/backups/poc_lendistry-devel_net.sql
... or to store it in the git repo (to push to staging, for example):
$ vagrant ssh -c 'mysqldump poc_lendistry-devel_net' > www/poc_lendistry-devel_net/public_html/poc_lendistry-devel_net.sql
See the www/ folder, for example the poc_lendistry-devel_net/ folder (its own git repository as described in config/config.yml).
When it's done, visit http://vvv.test.
The online documentation contains more detailed installation instructions.
- Web: https://varyingvagrantvagrants.org/
- Contributing: Contributions are more than welcome. Please see our current contributing guidelines. Thanks!
For system requirements, please read the system requirements documentation here
For a comprehensive list, please see the list of installed packages.