Tags: jherekhealy/Roots.jl
## Roots v1.3.4 [Diff since v1.3.3](JuliaMath/Roots.jl@v1.3.3...v1.3.4) **Merged pull requests:** - Use `===` and `!==` for comparisons with `nothing` (JuliaMath#243) (@devmotion) - Remove unnecessary static parameters (JuliaMath#244) (@devmotion) - Fix type inference of `Bisection` method (JuliaMath#245) (@devmotion) - version bump; copy edits (JuliaMath#246) (@jverzani)
## Roots v1.3.3 [Diff since v1.3.2](JuliaMath/Roots.jl@v1.3.2...v1.3.3) **Merged pull requests:** - Guarded (JuliaMath#242) (@jverzani)
## Roots v1.3.2 [Diff since v1.3.1](JuliaMath/Roots.jl@v1.3.1...v1.3.2) **Closed issues:** - add back plots to examples (JuliaMath#239) **Merged pull requests:** - combine non-simple methods ; add ThukralXB methods (JuliaMath#238) (@jverzani) - Restore plot examples using UnicodePlots (JuliaMath#240) (@t-bltg) - doc tweak (JuliaMath#241) (@jverzani)
## Roots v1.3.1 [Diff since v1.3.0](JuliaMath/Roots.jl@v1.3.0...v1.3.1) **Closed issues:** - doctests for readme examples (JuliaMath#207) **Merged pull requests:** - Doc edits (JuliaMath#237) (@jverzani)
## Roots v1.3.0 [Diff since v1.2.0](JuliaMath/Roots.jl@v1.2.0...v1.3.0) **Merged pull requests:** - Setfield (JuliaMath#234) (@jverzani) - fix compat issue with Setfield; avoid floating point issues in README (JuliaMath#236) (@jverzani)
## Roots v1.2.0 [Diff since v1.1.0](JuliaMath/Roots.jl@v1.1.0...v1.2.0) **Closed issues:** - fzero sensitive to choice of x0 (JuliaMath#77) - Readme should mention default values of atol, rtol, xatol, xrtol (JuliaMath#122) - Why is |f(xn)| < tol not checked for bisection? (JuliaMath#154) - find_zero returns wrong boundary point (JuliaMath#159) - A42 issue (JuliaMath#188) - FalsePosition fails when zero is close to interval boundary and function values are large (JuliaMath#190) - Migrate to travis-ci.com (JuliaMath#193) **Merged pull requests:** - clean up doc strings (JuliaMath#230) (@jverzani) - throw a typed error to allow for better handling (JuliaMath#231) (@alecloudenback)
## Roots v1.1.0 [Diff since v1.0.12](JuliaMath/Roots.jl@v1.0.12...v1.1.0) **Merged pull requests:** - Cleanup (JuliaMath#229) (@jverzani)
## Roots v1.0.12 [Diff since v1.0.11](JuliaMath/Roots.jl@v1.0.11...v1.0.12) **Merged pull requests:** - Roots change callable_function (JuliaMath#227) (@jverzani)
## Roots v1.0.11 [Diff since v1.0.10](JuliaMath/Roots.jl@v1.0.10...v1.0.11) **Merged pull requests:** - allow more flexible interval specification (JuliaMath#225) (@jverzani)
## Roots v1.0.10 [Diff since v1.0.9](JuliaMath/Roots.jl@v1.0.9...v1.0.10) **Closed issues:** - Since `julia v1.6.0` has released. So there are some changes. For `v1.6.0` docstring and exampples should be updated. (JuliaMath#216) - provide initial guess for bracketing methods (JuliaMath#218) - muller inefficient (JuliaMath#221) **Merged pull requests:** - fixed doctest issue (JuliaMath#215) (@RohitRathore1) - Fix the docs rendering was not correct (JuliaMath#219) (@singularitti) - add middle argument; close JuliaMath#218 (JuliaMath#220) (@jverzani) - eliminated unnecessary function evals in muller (JuliaMath#222) (@jacobwilliams) - version bump [ci skip] (JuliaMath#223) (@jverzani) - fix version number for proper bump; [ci skip] (JuliaMath#224) (@jverzani)