Universidad Católica del Norte
- Coquimbo, Chile
MosaicAnalysis Public
Forked from yeynaud/MosaicAnalysisThis packages contains several functions useful for the analysis of 2D othomosaics and orthoprojections.
R UpdatedJan 20, 2018 -
spatial-corals Public
Forked from alexandrovteam/spatial-coralsScientific study on spatial statistical analysis of Growth Anomaly lesions on coral colonies.
MATLAB UpdatedMar 19, 2016 -
tukey_test_plot Public
Forked from vicruiser/tukey_test_plotMatch tukey test results (letters groups or asteriks from HSD.test function) and set them in barplot taking in count different facets (ggplot2)
R UpdatedNov 14, 2015 -
r-graph-catalog Public
Forked from jennybc/r-graph-catalogAll graphs in “Creating More Effective Graphs”, made with R package ggplot2.
R UpdatedOct 14, 2014 -