A grammar agnostic code completion engine for antlr-ng and ANTLR4 based parsers
inferring sql queries from plain-text questions about tables
A web-based patch editor for the Korg Volca Bass.
Java embedded PostgreSQL component for testing
Java / Netty client for etcd, the highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery.
Wingtips is a distributed tracing solution for Java based on the Google Dapper paper.
Best-of-breed OpenTracing utilities, instrumentations and extensions
An extensible Java library for HTTP request and response logging
Java 8 Stream API Collectors for Guava Immutable Collections
A Java library that implements application/problem+json
Deploy immutable application stacks and create and execute AWS CloudFormation templates in a sane way
A leiningen plugin to build docker images and deploy them.
A new JDBC driver for PostgreSQL aimed at supporting the advanced features of JDBC and Postgres
Vagrant developer box: Python, Java, VIM, PostgreSQL, Redis, Memcached
ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files.
Common features shared by all Cucumber implementations
Adopt JSR API Testing project for getting feedback on the API, similar to what has been done for JSR 310.
Moved to Codeberg; this is a convenience mirror