All source code examples in the repository are for my Online Course - Testing Spring Beginner to Guru
This source code repository contains JUnit 5 test examples with Maven.
- Should use Java 11 or higher. Previous versions of Java are un-tested.
- Use Maven 3.5.2 or higher
For questions and help:
- Please post in course
- Or post in the Slack Community exclusive to the course.
GitHub Issues will not be addressed.
Annotation | Description |
@Test | Marks a method as a test method |
@ParameterizedTest | Marks method as a parameterized test |
@RepeatedTest | Repeat test N times |
@TestFactory | Test Factory method for dynamic tests |
@TestInstance | Used to configure test instance lifecycle |
@TestTemplate | Creates a template to be used by multiple test cases |
@DisplayName | Human friendly name for test |
@BeforeEach | Method to run before each test case |
@AfterEach | Method to run after each test case |
@BeforeAll | Static method to run before all test cases in current class |
@AfterAll | Static method to run after all test cases in current class |
@Nested | Creates a nested test class |
@Tag | Declare 'tags' for filtering tests |
@Disabled | Disable test or test class |
@ExtendWith | Used to register extensions |
@BeforeAll -> @BeforeEach -> @Test -> @AfterEach -> @AfterAll