Jiahong Wang, Yinwei Du, Stelian Coros, Bernhard Thomaszewski
IEEE/CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR 2024)
To run the provided code, please install Conda and create a Python environment using the following command.
conda env create -f env.yaml
Once finished, activate the environment.
conda activate neuralmodes
We provide three pretrained examples (Sheet, Armadillo, and Giraffe) and two GUI apps for demonstration. First, download the pretrained checkpoint files from the drive. Then, add the downloaded pretrained
folder to the project root directory. The final file structure will be as follows.
│ │
│ └───tet
│ │ │
│ │ └───armadillo
│ │ │ │ model.pt
│ │ │
│ │ └───giraffe
│ │ │ model.pt
│ │
│ └───shell
│ └───sheet
│ │ model.pt
│ ...
I. Latent space exploration
Execute the following commands, and you can explore the latent space using the slider bars. Note that the GUI defaults to linear modes. You need to deselect the checkbox Use linear modes
to use Neural Modes.
python sheet_train.py --config configs/shell/sheet_pretrained.yaml
python armadillo_train.py --config configs/tet/armadillo_pretrained.yaml
python giraffe_train.py --config configs/tet/giraffe_pretrained.yaml
II. Subspace simulation
To use the pretrained models for simulation, run the commands below. The simulation is initially paused. Click the checkbox Run simulation
to start. Also, note that the GUI may default to linear modes, and you need to deselect the checkbox Use linear modes
to use Neural Modes.
python armadillo_simulation.py --config configs/tet/armadillo_pretrained.yaml
python giraffe_simulation.py --config configs/tet/giraffe_pretrained.yaml
If you wish to train your own model, please run the following commands.
python sheet_train.py --config configs/shell/sheet.yaml
python armadillo_train.py --config configs/tet/armadillo.yaml
python giraffe_train.py --config configs/tet/giraffe.yaml
Once the GUI window opens, please click the button Start training
, and the training will start. You can monitor your training using tensorboard.
tensorboard --logdir checkpoints
Since the training is self-supervised and does not overfit, we set it to be an infinite loop. You need to manually stop the training by pressing Ctrl+C
when the training metric flattens. Reasonable iteration numbers for reference are:
- Sheet: 20k iterations
- Armadillo: 3k iterations
- Giraffe: 9k iterations
Your trained models are saved in the checkpoints
folder specified by the field checkpoint_dir
in the config yaml file. For sheet, the checkpoint directory is checkpoints/shell/sheet
. In the checkpoint directory, you will see a list of checkpoints named model_it{XXX}.pt
To use the saved model for inference, open the config yaml file and replace null
in the fields saved_checkpoint
and best_checkpoints
by the checkpoint file model_it{XXX}.pt
. You can then explore the latent space or run simulation like the pretrained examples. For instance, python sheet_train.py --config configs/shell/sheet.yaml
and python armadillo_simulation.py --config configs/tet/armadillo.yaml
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