animatediff prompt travel
The simplest and lowest-cost AI integration solution. If you like this project, please give it a Star~ | 最简单、最低成本的AI接入方案。喜欢本项目的话点个 Star 吧~
Spring Cloud 微服务开发核心工具集。工具类、验证码、http、redis、ip2region、xss 等,开箱即用。 🔝 🔝 记得右上角点个star 关注更新!
UReport2 is a high-performance pure Java report engine based on Spring architecture, where complex Chinese-style statements and reports can be prepared by iterating over cells.
☀️ Nepxion Discovery is a solution for Spring Cloud with blue green, gray, route, limitation, circuit breaker, degrade, isolation, tracing, dye, failover, active 蓝绿灰度发布、路由、限流、熔断、降级、隔离、追踪、流量染色、故障转移、多活
an easy-to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications.
开源配合型人脸活体检测 Open Source Face Anti-spoofing
A distributed task scheduling framework.(分布式任务调度平台XXL-JOB)
MinIO is a high-performance, S3 compatible object store, open sourced under GNU AGPLv3 license.
An powerful enhanced toolkit of MyBatis for simplify development
Capture Screen, Audio, Cursor, Mouse Clicks and Keystrokes
一款Android Studio插件,帮助你快速添加依赖库和查询历史版本
Real-time Filter Camera&VideoRecorder And ImageEditor With Face Beauty For Android---包含美颜等40余种实时滤镜相机,可拍照、录像、图片修改
Plugins for Flutter maintained by the Flutter team
SpringBlade 是一个由商业级项目升级优化而来的SpringCloud分布式微服务架构、SpringBoot单体式微服务架构并存的综合型项目,采用Java17 API重构了业务代码,完全遵循阿里巴巴编码规范。采用Spring Boot 3.2 、Spring Cloud 2023 、Mybatis 等核心技术,同时提供基于React和Vue的两个前端框架用于快速搭建企业级的SaaS多…