The function propagation.m is used to transform a segmentation in one frame to other frames within an image series. Deformable registration between frames is performed with the "greedy" tool.
Download greedy from
Download c3d from
Download cmrep from
- Python 3.9 and above. If using Python version earlier than Python 3.9 is mandatory and vtk9 cannot be installed. Set disablePythonMesh to true to avoid any exceptions
- pip3 install vtk
- pip3 install nibabel
- pip3 install SimpleITK
- Examples for running in python scripts, see examples/
- Tag: for uniquely identifying each run
- Image: absolute path of the 4D image
- Segmentation: absolute path of the reference segmentation image
- Reference Time Point: the time point (or frame) that reference segmentation image belongs to
- Target Time Points: a semicolon separated list contains all the time points (or frames) to propagate to
- Don't include header in the .csv file
- Don't wrap values with double quotes
/segmentation-propagation/scripts/ \
"/Absolute/Path/To/file_list.csv" \
"/Absolute/Path/To/ProjectDir/segmentation-propagation" \
"/Absolute/Path/To/ConfigFile/segmentation-propagation/config.json" \
# arg1: filelist.csv location
# arg2: project directory. i.e. the folder contains
# arg3: config file location
# arg4: output directory
The result will be saved to folders in the output directory, nameed by tags. Execution log will also be saved in the tag named folders
- First usable version
- Modfied to adopt latest greedy and vtkleveset
- Reorganizes mesh output files into a dedicated mesh folder with new naming convention
- Added mesh point data renaming logic; Added multiple options for configure greedy.
- Added Mesh Warping feature; Added run mode that can warp multiple meshes using existing registration matrices without running registration again.
- Added flag to control smoothing for added mesh to warp
- Added c3d location option
- Added support for windows paths
- Added command line interface
- Added batch_run script for running multiple propagations
- Added multiple configuration for server deployment and troubleshooting