This is a Ruby script written to stream data from a PowerTrack stream. Retrieved data are written to standard out or a local MySQL database. Database writes are based on ActiveRecord (see below for database schema details).
HTTP streaming is based on the gnip-stream project at
The target PowerTrack stream is configured in a configuration file. If you want to use this script to stream from more than one stream at a time, in theory, multiple instances of this code could be ran (with different configuration files passed in).
Once the script is started, it creates a streaming connection to the configured data feed.
Note: Need to use em-http-request version 1.0.3. Current version serves up strangely concatenated activities where two activities are randomly conjoined
One file is passed in at the command-line if you are running this code as a script (and not building some wrapper around the PtStream class):
- A configuration file with account/username/password, stream and database details (see below, or the sample project file, for details): -c "./config.yaml"
The configuration file needs to have an "account" section, an "stream" section, and a "database" section.
So, if you were running from a directory with this source file in it, with the configuration file in that folder too, the command-line would look like this:
$ruby ./pt_stream.rb -c "./config.yaml"
See the sample config.yaml file (see below) for an example of a PowerTrack client configuration file.
Here are some important points:
In the "account" section, you specify your account "name". Along with the "publisher", "type", and "label" settings in the "stream" section, the PowerTrack end-point URL will be constructed.[publisher]/streams/[type]/[label].json
The "account" section also contains the PowerTrack credentials used to authenticate with the PowerTrack system.
The 'stream' section includes a setting for writing to stdout or db. If you are writing to a database see the section below.
The standard Ruby logging gem is used, and the config file includes 'logging' settings for the log level and log file path.
#Account details.
name: account_name
user_name: [email protected]
password_encoded: PaSsWoRd_EnCoDeD #At least some resemblance of security. Generated by "base64" Ruby Gem.
#password: PlainTextPassword #Use this is you want to use plain text, and comment out the encoded entry above.
#Stream details.
publisher: twitter
type: track
label: prod
output: stdout #Either write to stdout or write to db.
log_level: debug #The standard debug, info, error, warn or fatal.
log_file: ./pt-stream.log
#Database details.
adapter: mysql2
#Note: currently all PowerTrack example clients share a common database schema.
schema: my_database
user_name: root
The script writes to a local MySQL database. The database schema assumed by the script is encapsulated in the ActiveRecord create_table statement below. These details should be updated to match the schema you use to store activities.
create_table "activities", :force => true do |t|
t.string "native_id"
t.string "publisher"
t.string "content"
t.string "body"
t.string "rule_value"
t.string "rule_tag"
t.datetime "posted_at"
t.datetime "created_at", :null => false
t.datetime "updated_at", :null => false
t.float "latitude"
t.float "longitude"
t.string "place"
t.string "bio_place"
t.integer "stream_id"