Package orderedmap
defines a generic Ordered Map data structure with an API similar to that of container/list.
The intent of an ordered map is to retain a map's key insertion order, similar to LinkedHashMap from Java. It is not to constrain a map to sorted order.
Go does not allow for extensions to built-in maps. As such there is no "range" or keyed assignments.
Construct a map with contents as follows:
myMap := orderedmap.New[string, string].
Set("First", "1st").
Set("Second", "2nd").
Set("Third", "3rd")
Iterate the map with the provided iterator:
it := myMap.Iterator()
for i := it.Next(); i != nil; i = it.Next() {
fmt.Printf("Shorthand for %q is %q.\n", i.Key, i.Value)
Or, with lengthier for loops:
it := myMap.Iterator()
var i *orderedmap.KeyValuePair[string, string]
for {
i = it.Next()
if i == nil {
fmt.Printf("Shorthand for %q is %q.\n", i.Key, i.Value)
Get the value defined at some key:
myValue, ok := myMap.Get("Second")
There are also some utility functions:
myValue:= myMap.GetOrDefault("Tenth", "10th")
first := myMap.First()
last := myMap.Last()
There are functions to manipulate the map as well (including the order of elements):
removed, ok := myMap.Remove("First")
err := myMap.MoveToFront("Third")
err := myMap.MoveToBack("Third")
err := myMap.MoveAfter("Third", "Second")
err := myMap.MoveBefore("Third", "Fourth")
err := myMap.InsertAfter("Third", "3rd", "Second")
err := myMap.InsertBefore("Third", "3rd", "Fourth")
go get -u
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