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forked from gookit/goutil

💪 Helper Utils(700+): int, byte, string, array/slice, map, struct, dump, convert/format, error, web/http, cli/flag, OS/ENV, filesystem, system, test/assert, time and more. Go 常用的一些工具函数:数字,字符串,数组,Map,结构体,反射,文本,文件,错误,时间日期,特殊处理,格式化,常用信息获取等等


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Go Util

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💪 Useful utils(700+) package for the Go: int, string, array/slice, map, error, time, format, CLI, ENV, filesystem, system, testing and more.


Basic packages:

  • arrutil: Array/Slice util functions. eg: check, convert, formatting, enum, collections
  • cliutil Command-line util functions. eg: colored print, read input, exec command
  • envutil ENV util for current runtime env information. eg: get one, get info, parse var
  • fmtutil Format data util functions. eg: data, size, time
  • fsutil Filesystem util functions, quick create, read and write file. eg: file and dir check, operate
  • goinfo provide some standard util functions for go.
  • jsonutil Provide some util functions for quick read, write, encode, decode JSON data.
  • maputil Map data util functions. eg: convert, sub-value get, simple merge
  • mathutil Math(int, number) util functions. eg: convert, math calc, random
  • netutil Network util functions. eg: Ip, IpV4, IpV6, Mac, Port, Hostname, etc.
  • reflects Provide extends reflect util functions.
  • structs Provide some extends util functions for struct. eg: tag parse, struct data init
  • strutil String util functions. eg: bytes, check, convert, encode, format and more
  • sysutil System util functions. eg: sysenv, exec, user, process

Extra packages:

  • cflag: Wraps and extends go flag.FlagSet to build simple command line applications
  • cli util:
    • cmdline Provide cmdline parse, args build to cmdline
  • dump: GO value printing tool. print slice, map will auto wrap each element and display the call location
  • encodes: Provide some encoding/decoding, hash, crypto util functions. eg: base64, hex, etc.
  • errorx Provide an enhanced error implements for go, allow with stacktrace and wrap another error.
  • file util:
    • finder Provides a simple and convenient filedir lookup function, supports filtering, excluding, matching, ignoring, etc.
  • net util:
    • httpreq An easier-to-use HTTP client that wraps http.Client, and with some http utils.
  • string util:
    • textscan Implemented a parser that quickly scans and analyzes text content. It can be used to parse INI, Properties and other formats
    • textutil Provide some extensions text handle util functions. eg: text replace, etc.
  • syncs Provides synchronization primitives util functions.
  • system util:
    • clipboard Provide a simple clipboard read and write operations.
    • cmdr Provide for quick build and run a cmd, batch run multi cmd tasks
    • process Provide some process handle util functions.
  • testutil Test help util functions. eg: http test, mock ENV value
    • assert Provides commonly asserts functions for help testing
    • fakeobj provides a fake object for testing. such as fake fs.File, fs.FileInfo, fs.DirEntry etc.
  • timex Provides an enhanced time.Time implementation. Add more commonly used functional methods
    • such as: DayStart(), DayAfter(), DayAgo(), DateFormat() and more.

Go Doc

Please see Go doc


go get



is.True(goutil.IsEqual("a", "a"))
is.True(goutil.IsEqual([]string{"a"}, []string{"a"}))
is.True(goutil.IsEqual(23, 23))

is.True(goutil.Contains("abc", "a"))
is.True(goutil.Contains([]string{"abc", "def"}, "abc"))
is.True(goutil.Contains(map[int]string{2: "abc", 4: "def"}, 4))

// convert type
str = goutil.String(23) // "23"
iVal = goutil.Int("-2") // 2
i64Val = goutil.Int64("-2") // -2
u64Val = goutil.Uint("2") // 2

Dump go variable

dump.Print(somevar, somevar2, ...)

dump nested struct



Array and Slice


// source at arrutil/arrutil.go
func GetRandomOne[T any](arr []T) T
func RandomOne[T any](arr []T) T
// source at arrutil/check.go
func SliceHas[T comdef.ScalarType](slice []T, val T) bool
func IntsHas[T comdef.Integer](ints []T, val T) bool
func Int64sHas(ints []int64, val int64) bool
func StringsHas[T ~string](ss []T, val T) bool
func InStrings[T ~string](elem T, ss []T) bool
func NotIn[T comdef.ScalarType](value T, list []T) bool
func In[T comdef.ScalarType](value T, list []T) bool
func ContainsAll[T comdef.ScalarType](list, values []T) bool
func IsSubList[T comdef.ScalarType](values, list []T) bool
func IsParent[T comdef.ScalarType](values, list []T) bool
func HasValue(arr, val any) bool
func Contains(arr, val any) bool
func NotContains(arr, val any) bool
// source at arrutil/collection.go
func StringEqualsComparer(a, b string) int
func ValueEqualsComparer[T comdef.Compared](a, b T) int
func ReflectEqualsComparer[T any](a, b T) int
func ElemTypeEqualsComparer[T any](a, b T) int
func TwowaySearch[T any](data []T, item T, fn Comparer[T]) (int, error)
func CloneSlice[T any](data []T) []T
func Diff[T any](first, second []T, fn Comparer[T]) []T
func Differences[T any](first, second []T, fn Comparer[T]) []T
func Excepts[T any](first, second []T, fn Comparer[T]) []T
func Intersects[T any](first, second []T, fn Comparer[T]) []T
func Union[T any](first, second []T, fn Comparer[T]) []T
func Find[T any](source []T, fn Predicate[T]) (v T, err error)
func FindOrDefault[T any](source []T, fn Predicate[T], defaultValue T) T
func TakeWhile[T any](data []T, fn Predicate[T]) []T
func ExceptWhile[T any](data []T, fn Predicate[T]) []T
// source at arrutil/convert.go
func JoinStrings(sep string, ss ...string) string
func StringsJoin(sep string, ss ...string) string
func JoinTyped[T any](sep string, arr ...T) string
func JoinSlice(sep string, arr ...any) string
func IntsToString[T comdef.Integer](ints []T) string
func ToInt64s(arr any) (ret []int64, err error)
func MustToInt64s(arr any) []int64
func SliceToInt64s(arr []any) []int64
func AnyToSlice(sl any) (ls []any, err error)
func AnyToStrings(arr any) []string
func MustToStrings(arr any) []string
func ToStrings(arr any) (ret []string, err error)
func SliceToStrings(arr []any) []string
func QuietStrings(arr []any) []string
func ConvType[T any, R any](arr []T, newElemTyp R) ([]R, error)
func AnyToString(arr any) string
func SliceToString(arr ...any) string
func ToString[T any](arr []T) string
func CombineToMap[K comdef.SortedType, V any](keys []K, values []V) map[K]V
func CombineToSMap(keys, values []string) map[string]string
// source at arrutil/format.go
func NewFormatter(arr any) *ArrFormatter
func FormatIndent(arr any, indent string) string
// source at arrutil/process.go
func Reverse[T any](ls []T)
func Remove[T comdef.Compared](ls []T, val T) []T
func Filter[T any](ls []T, filter ...comdef.MatchFunc[T]) []T
func Map[T any, V any](list []T, mapFn MapFn[T, V]) []V
func Column[T any, V any](list []T, mapFn func(obj T) (val V, find bool)) []V
func Unique[T ~string | comdef.XintOrFloat](list []T) []T
func IndexOf[T ~string | comdef.XintOrFloat](val T, list []T) int
// source at arrutil/strings.go
func StringsToAnys(ss []string) []any
func StringsToSlice(ss []string) []any
func StringsAsInts(ss []string) []int
func StringsToInts(ss []string) (ints []int, err error)
func StringsTryInts(ss []string) (ints []int, err error)
func StringsUnique(ss []string) []string
func StringsContains(ss []string, s string) bool
func StringsRemove(ss []string, s string) []string
func StringsFilter(ss []string, filter ...comdef.StringMatchFunc) []string
func StringsMap(ss []string, mapFn func(s string) string) []string
func TrimStrings(ss []string, cutSet ...string) []string

ArrUtil Usage

check value:

arrutil.IntsHas([]int{2, 4, 5}, 2) // True
arrutil.Int64sHas([]int64{2, 4, 5}, 2) // True
arrutil.StringsHas([]string{"a", "b"}, "a") // True

// list and val interface{}
arrutil.Contains(list, val)
arrutil.Contains([]uint32{9, 2, 3}, 9) // True


ints, err := arrutil.ToInt64s([]string{"1", "2"}) // ints: []int64{1, 2} 
ss, err := arrutil.ToStrings([]int{1, 2}) // ss: []string{"1", "2"}

Bytes Utils


// source at byteutil/buffer.go
func NewBuffer() *Buffer
// source at byteutil/byteutil.go
func Md5(src any) []byte
func ShortMd5(src any) []byte
func Random(length int) ([]byte, error)
func FirstLine(bs []byte) []byte
func AppendAny(dst []byte, v any) []byte
func Cut(bs []byte, sep byte) (before, after []byte, found bool)
func SafeCut(bs []byte, sep byte) (before, after []byte)
func SafeCuts(bs []byte, sep []byte) (before, after []byte)
// source at byteutil/check.go
func IsNumChar(c byte) bool
// source at byteutil/conv.go
func StrOrErr(bs []byte, err error) (string, error)
func SafeString(bs []byte, err error) string
func String(b []byte) string
func ToString(b []byte) string
func ToBytes(v any) ([]byte, error)
func SafeBytes(v any) []byte
func ToBytesWithFunc(v any, usrFn ToBytesFunc) ([]byte, error)
// source at byteutil/encoder.go
func NewStdEncoder(encFn BytesEncodeFunc, decFn BytesDecodeFunc) *StdEncoder
// source at byteutil/pool.go
func NewChanPool(chSize int, width int, capWidth int) *ChanPool



// source at cflag/app.go
func NewApp(fns ...func(app *App)) *App
func NewCmd(name, desc string) *Cmd
// source at cflag/cflag.go
func SetDebug(open bool)
func New(fns ...func(c *CFlags)) *CFlags
func NewEmpty(fns ...func(c *CFlags)) *CFlags
func WithDesc(desc string) func(c *CFlags)
func WithVersion(version string) func(c *CFlags)
// source at cflag/ext.go
func LimitInt(min, max int) comdef.IntCheckFunc
func NewIntVar(checkFn comdef.IntCheckFunc) IntVar
func NewStrVar(checkFn comdef.StrCheckFunc) StrVar
func NewEnumString(enum ...string) EnumString
func NewKVString() KVString
func Value
// source at cflag/optarg.go
func NewArg(name, desc string, required bool) *FlagArg
// source at cflag/util.go
func IsGoodName(name string) bool
func IsZeroValue(opt *flag.Flag, value string) (bool, bool)
func AddPrefix(name string) string
func AddPrefixes(name string, shorts []string) string
func AddPrefixes2(name string, shorts []string, nameAtEnd bool) string
func SplitShortcut(shortcut string) []string
func FilterNames(names []string) []string
func IsFlagHelpErr(err error) bool
func WrapColorForCode(s string) string
func ReplaceShorts(args []string, shortsMap map[string]string) []string

cflag Usage

cflag usage please see cflag/



// source at cliutil/cliutil.go
func SplitMulti(ss []string, sep string) []string
func LineBuild(binFile string, args []string) string
func BuildLine(binFile string, args []string) string
func String2OSArgs(line string) []string
func StringToOSArgs(line string) []string
func ParseLine(line string) []string
func QuickExec(cmdLine string, workDir ...string) (string, error)
func ExecLine(cmdLine string, workDir ...string) (string, error)
func ExecCmd(binName string, args []string, workDir ...string) (string, error)
func ExecCommand(binName string, args []string, workDir ...string) (string, error)
func ShellExec(cmdLine string, shells ...string) (string, error)
func CurrentShell(onlyName bool) (path string)
func HasShellEnv(shell string) bool
func BuildOptionHelpName(names []string) string
func ShellQuote(s string) string
func OutputLines(output string) []string
// source at cliutil/info.go
func Workdir() string
func BinDir() string
func BinFile() string
func BinName() string
func GetTermSize(refresh ...bool) (w int, h int)
// source at cliutil/read.go
func ReadInput(question string) (string, error)
func ReadLine(question string) (string, error)
func ReadFirst(question string) (string, error)
func ReadFirstByte(question string) (byte, error)
func ReadFirstRune(question string) (rune, error)
func ReadAsBool(tip string, defVal bool) bool
func Confirm(tip string, defVal ...bool) bool
func InputIsYes(ans string) bool
func ByteIsYes(ans byte) bool
func ReadPassword(question ...string) string

CLI Util Usage

helper functions:

cliutil.Workdir() // current workdir
cliutil.BinDir() // the program exe file dir

cliutil.ReadInput("Your name?")
cliutil.ReadPassword("Input password:")
ans, _ := cliutil.ReadFirstByte("continue?[y/n] ")

cmdline parse:

package main

import (


func main() {
	args := cliutil.ParseLine(`./app top sub --msg "has multi words"`)

	s := cliutil.BuildLine("./myapp", []string{
		"-a", "val0",
		"-m", "this is message",
	fmt.Println("Build line:", s)


[]string [ #len=5
  string("./app"), #len=5
  string("top"), #len=3
  string("sub"), #len=3
  string("--msg"), #len=5
  string("has multi words"), #len=15

Build line: ./myapp -a val0 -m "this is message" arg0

More, please see ./cliutil/README



// source at dump/dump.go
func Std() *Dumper
func Reset()
func Config(fns ...OptionFunc)
func Print(vs ...any)
func Println(vs ...any)
func Fprint(w io.Writer, vs ...any)
func Std2() *Dumper
func Reset2()
func Format(vs ...any) string
func NoLoc(vs ...any)
func Clear(vs ...any)
// source at dump/dumper.go
func NewDumper(out io.Writer, skip int) *Dumper
func NewWithOptions(fns ...OptionFunc) *Dumper
// source at dump/options.go
func NewDefaultOptions(out io.Writer, skip int) *Options
func SkipNilField() OptionFunc
func SkipPrivate() OptionFunc
func BytesAsString() OptionFunc
func WithCallerSkip(skip int) OptionFunc
func WithoutPosition() OptionFunc
func WithoutOutput(out io.Writer) OptionFunc
func WithoutColor() OptionFunc
func WithoutType() OptionFunc


example code:

package main

import ""

// rum demo:
// 	go run ./dump/_examples/demo1.go
func main() {

func otherFunc1() {
		[]string{"ab", "cd"},
		[]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11}, // len > 10
			"key": "val", "sub": map[string]string{"k": "v"},
		struct {
			ab string
			Cd int
			"ab", 23,


nested struct

source code at dump/dumper_test.TestStruct_WithNested



// source at encodes/encodes.go
func B32Encode(str string) string
func B32Decode(str string) string
func B64Encode(str string) string
func B64EncodeBytes(src []byte) []byte
func B64Decode(str string) string
func B64DecodeBytes(str []byte) []byte



// source at envutil/envutil.go
func VarReplace(s string) string
func ParseOrErr(val string) (string, error)
func ParseValue(val string) string
func VarParse(val string) string
func ParseEnvValue(val string) string
func SetEnvMap(mp map[string]string)
func SetEnvs(kvPairs ...string)
func UnsetEnvs(keys ...string)
// source at envutil/get.go
func Getenv(name string, def ...string) string
func GetInt(name string, def int
func GetBool(name string, def ...bool) bool
func GetMulti(names ...string) map[string]string
func EnvPaths() []string
func EnvMap() map[string]string
func Environ() map[string]string
func SearchEnvKeys(keywords string) map[string]string
func SearchEnv(keywords string, matchValue bool) map[string]string
// source at envutil/info.go
func IsWin() bool
func IsWindows() bool
func IsMac() bool
func IsLinux() bool
func IsMSys() bool
func IsWSL() bool
func IsTerminal(fd uintptr) bool
func StdIsTerminal() bool
func IsConsole(out io.Writer) bool
func HasShellEnv(shell string) bool
func IsSupportColor() bool
func IsSupport256Color() bool
func IsSupportTrueColor() bool
func IsGithubActions() bool

ENV Util Usage

helper functions:


// get ENV value by key, can with default value
envutil.Getenv("APP_ENV", "dev")
envutil.GetInt("LOG_LEVEL", 1)
envutil.GetBool("APP_DEBUG", true)

// parse ENV var value from input string, support default value.
envutil.ParseValue("${ENV_NAME | defValue}")



Package errorx provide a enhanced error implements, allow with call stack and wrap another error.

// source at errorx/assert.go
func IsTrue(result bool, fmtAndArgs ...any) error
func IsFalse(result bool, fmtAndArgs ...any) error
func IsIn[T comdef.ScalarType](value T, list []T, fmtAndArgs ...any) error
func NotIn[T comdef.ScalarType](value T, list []T, fmtAndArgs ...any) error
// source at errorx/errors.go
func NewR(code int, msg string) ErrorR
func Fail(code int, msg string) ErrorR
func Failf(code int, tpl string, v ...any) ErrorR
func Suc(msg string) ErrorR
// source at errorx/errorx.go
func New(msg string) error
func Newf(tpl string, vars ...any) error
func Errorf(tpl string, vars ...any) error
func With(err error, msg string) error
func Withf(err error, tpl string, vars ...any) error
func WithPrev(err error, msg string) error
func WithPrevf(err error, tpl string, vars ...any) error
func WithStack(err error) error
func Traced(err error) error
func Stacked(err error) error
func WithOptions(msg string, fns ...func(opt *ErrStackOpt)) error
func Wrap(err error, msg string) error
func Wrapf(err error, tpl string, vars ...any) error
// source at errorx/stack.go
func FuncForPC(pc uintptr) *Func
func ResetStdOpt()
func Config(fns ...func(opt *ErrStackOpt))
func SkipDepth(skipDepth int) func(opt *ErrStackOpt)
func TraceDepth(traceDepth int) func(opt *ErrStackOpt)
// source at errorx/util.go
func Err(msg string) error
func Raw(msg string) error
func Ef(tpl string, vars ...any) error
func Errf(tpl string, vars ...any) error
func Rawf(tpl string, vars ...any) error
func Cause(err error) error
func Unwrap(err error) error
func Previous(err error) error
func IsErrorX(err error) (ok bool)
func ToErrorX(err error) (ex *ErrorX, ok bool)
func MustEX(err error) *ErrorX
func Has(err, target error) bool
func Is(err, target error) bool
func To(err error, target any) bool
func As(err error, target any) bool

Errorx Usage

Create error with call stack info

  • use the errorx.New instead errors.New
func doSomething() error {
    if false {
	    // return errors.New("a error happen")
	    return errorx.New("a error happen")
  • use the errorx.Newf or errorx.Errorf instead fmt.Errorf
func doSomething() error {
    if false {
	    // return fmt.Errorf("a error %s", "happen")
	    return errorx.Newf("a error %s", "happen")

Wrap the previous error

used like this before:

    if err := SomeFunc(); err != nil {
	    return err

can be replaced with:

    if err := SomeFunc(); err != nil {
	    return errors.Stacked(err)

Print the errorx.New() error

Examples for use errorx package, more please see ./errorx/README

    err := errorx.New("the error message")

    // fmt.Printf("%v\n", err)
    // fmt.Printf("%#v\n", err)

from the test: errorx/errorx_test.TestNew()


the error message

Format Utils


// source at fmtutil/fmtutil.go
func StringOrJSON(v any) ([]byte, error)
// source at fmtutil/format.go
func DataSize(size uint64) string
func SizeToString(size uint64) string
func StringToByte(sizeStr string) uint64
func ParseByte(sizeStr string) uint64
func PrettyJSON(v any) (string, error)
func ArgsWithSpaces(vs []any) (message string)
// source at fmtutil/time.go
func HowLongAgo(sec int64) string

File System


// source at fsutil/check.go
func PathExists(path string) bool
func IsDir(path string) bool
func FileExists(path string) bool
func IsFile(path string) bool
func IsAbsPath(aPath string) bool
func IsEmptyDir(dirPath string) bool
func IsImageFile(path string) bool
func IsZipFile(filepath string) bool
func PathMatch(pattern, s string) bool
// source at fsutil/define.go
func NewEntry(fPath string, ent fs.DirEntry) Entry
func NewFileInfo(fPath string, info fs.FileInfo) FileInfo
// source at fsutil/find.go
func FilePathInDirs(file string, dirs ...string) string
func FirstExists(paths ...string) string
func FirstExistsDir(paths ...string) string
func FirstExistsFile(paths ...string) string
func MatchPaths(paths []string, matcher PathMatchFunc) []string
func MatchFirst(paths []string, matcher PathMatchFunc, defaultPath string) string
func SearchNameUp(dirPath, name string) string
func SearchNameUpx(dirPath, name string) (string, bool)
func WalkDir(dir string, fn fs.WalkDirFunc) error
func Glob(pattern string, fls ...NameMatchFunc) []string
func GlobWithFunc(pattern string, fn func(filePath string) error) (err error)
func OnlyFindDir(_ string, ent fs.DirEntry) bool
func OnlyFindFile(_ string, ent fs.DirEntry) bool
func ExcludeNames(names ...string) FilterFunc
func IncludeSuffix(ss ...string) FilterFunc
func ExcludeDotFile(_ string, ent fs.DirEntry) bool
func ExcludeSuffix(ss ...string) FilterFunc
func ApplyFilters(fPath string, ent fs.DirEntry, filters []FilterFunc) bool
func FindInDir(dir string, handleFn HandleFunc, filters ...FilterFunc) (e error)
// source at fsutil/fsutil.go
func JoinPaths(elem ...string) string
func JoinSubPaths(basePath string, elem ...string) string
func SlashPath(path string) string
func UnixPath(path string) string
func ToAbsPath(p string) string
// source at fsutil/info.go
func DirPath(fpath string) string
func Dir(fpath string) string
func PathName(fpath string) string
func Name(fpath string) string
func FileExt(fpath string) string
func Extname(fpath string) string
func Suffix(fpath string) string
func Expand(pathStr string) string
func ExpandPath(pathStr string) string
func ResolvePath(pathStr string) string
func SplitPath(pathStr string) (dir, name string)
// source at fsutil/info_nonwin.go
func Realpath(pathStr string) string
// source at fsutil/mime.go
func DetectMime(path string) string
func MimeType(path string) (mime string)
func ReaderMimeType(r io.Reader) (mime string)
// source at fsutil/operate.go
func Mkdir(dirPath string, perm os.FileMode) error
func MkDirs(perm os.FileMode, dirPaths ...string) error
func MkSubDirs(perm os.FileMode, parentDir string, subDirs ...string) error
func MkParentDir(fpath string) error
func NewOpenOption(optFns ...OpenOptionFunc) *OpenOption
func OpenOptOrNew(opt *OpenOption) *OpenOption
func WithFlag(flag int) OpenOptionFunc
func WithPerm(perm os.FileMode) OpenOptionFunc
func OpenFile(filePath string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (*os.File, error)
func MustOpenFile(filePath string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) *os.File
func QuickOpenFile(filepath string, fileFlag (*os.File, error)
func OpenAppendFile(filepath string, filePerm ...os.FileMode) (*os.File, error)
func OpenTruncFile(filepath string, filePerm ...os.FileMode) (*os.File, error)
func OpenReadFile(filepath string) (*os.File, error)
func CreateFile(fpath string, filePerm, dirPerm os.FileMode, fileFlag (*os.File, error)
func MustCreateFile(filePath string, filePerm, dirPerm os.FileMode) *os.File
func Remove(fPath string) error
func MustRemove(fPath string)
func QuietRemove(fPath string)
func SafeRemoveAll(path string)
func RmIfExist(fPath string) error
func DeleteIfExist(fPath string) error
func RmFileIfExist(fPath string) error
func DeleteIfFileExist(fPath string) error
func RemoveSub(dirPath string, fns ...FilterFunc) error
func Unzip(archive, targetDir string) (err error)
// source at fsutil/opread.go
func NewIOReader(in any) (r io.Reader, err error)
func DiscardReader(src io.Reader)
func ReadFile(filePath string) []byte
func MustReadFile(filePath string) []byte
func ReadReader(r io.Reader) []byte
func MustReadReader(r io.Reader) []byte
func ReadString(in any) string
func ReadStringOrErr(in any) (string, error)
func ReadAll(in any) []byte
func GetContents(in any) []byte
func MustRead(in any) []byte
func ReadOrErr(in any) ([]byte, error)
func ReadExistFile(filePath string) []byte
func TextScanner(in any) *scanner.Scanner
func LineScanner(in any) *bufio.Scanner
// source at fsutil/opwrite.go
func OSTempFile(pattern string) (*os.File, error)
func TempFile(dir, pattern string) (*os.File, error)
func OSTempDir(pattern string) (string, error)
func TempDir(dir, pattern string) (string, error)
func MustSave(filePath string, data any, optFns ...OpenOptionFunc)
func SaveFile(filePath string, data any, optFns ...OpenOptionFunc) error
func PutContents(filePath string, data any, fileFlag (int, error)
func WriteFile(filePath string, data any, perm os.FileMode, fileFlag error
func WriteOSFile(f *os.File, data any) (n int, err error)
func CopyFile(srcPath, dstPath string) error
func MustCopyFile(srcPath, dstPath string)
func UpdateContents(filePath string, handleFn func(bs []byte) []byte) error

FsUtil Usage

files finder:

package main

import (


func main() {
	// find all files in dir
	fsutil.FindInDir("./", func(filePath string, de fs.DirEntry) error {
		return nil

	// find files with filters
	fsutil.FindInDir("./", func(filePath string, de fs.DirEntry) error {
		return nil
	}, fsutil.ExcludeDotFile)

Go Info


// source at goinfo/gofunc.go
func FuncName(fn any) string
func CutFuncName(fullFcName string) (pkgPath, shortFnName string)
func PkgName(fullFcName string) string
func GoodFuncName(name string) bool
// source at goinfo/goinfo.go
func GoVersion() string
func ParseGoVersion(line string) (*GoInfo, error)
func OsGoInfo() (*GoInfo, error)
// source at goinfo/stack.go
func GetCallStacks(all bool) []byte
func GetCallerInfo(skip int) string
func SimpleCallersInfo(skip, num int) []string
func GetCallersInfo(skip, max int) []string

JSON Utils


// source at jsonutil/encoding.go
func MustString(v any) string
func Encode(v any) ([]byte, error)
func EncodePretty(v any) ([]byte, error)
func EncodeString(v any) (string, error)
func EncodeToWriter(v any, w io.Writer) error
func EncodeUnescapeHTML(v any) ([]byte, error)
func Decode(bts []byte, ptr any) error
func DecodeString(str string, ptr any) error
func DecodeReader(r io.Reader, ptr any) error
// source at jsonutil/jsonutil.go
func WriteFile(filePath string, data any) error
func WritePretty(filePath string, data any) error
func ReadFile(filePath string, v any) error
func Pretty(v any) (string, error)
func MustPretty(v any) string
func Mapping(src, dst any) error
func IsJSON(s string) bool
func IsJSONFast(s string) bool
func IsArray(s string) bool
func IsObject(s string) bool
func StripComments(src string) string



// source at maputil/check.go
func HasKey(mp, key any) (ok bool)
func HasOneKey(mp any, keys ...any) (ok bool, key any)
func HasAllKeys(mp any, keys ...any) (ok bool, noKey any)
// source at maputil/convert.go
func KeyToLower(src map[string]string) map[string]string
func ToStringMap(src map[string]any) map[string]string
func CombineToSMap(keys, values []string) SMap
func CombineToMap[K comdef.SortedType, V any](keys []K, values []V) map[K]V
func ToAnyMap(mp any) map[string]any
func TryAnyMap(mp any) (map[string]any, error)
func HTTPQueryString(data map[string]any) string
func StringsMapToAnyMap(ssMp map[string][]string) map[string]any
func ToString(mp map[string]any) string
func ToString2(mp any) string
func FormatIndent(mp any, indent string) string
func Flatten(mp map[string]any) map[string]any
func FlatWithFunc(mp map[string]any, fn reflects.FlatFunc)
// source at maputil/format.go
func NewFormatter(mp any) *MapFormatter
// source at maputil/get.go
func DeepGet(mp map[string]any, path string) (val any)
func QuietGet(mp map[string]any, path string) (val any)
func GetFromAny(path string, data any) (val any, ok bool)
func GetByPath(path string, mp map[string]any) (val any, ok bool)
func GetByPathKeys(mp map[string]any, keys []string) (val any, ok bool)
func Keys(mp any) (keys []string)
func Values(mp any) (values []any)
func EachAnyMap(mp any, fn func(key string, val any))
// source at maputil/maputil.go
func SimpleMerge(src, dst map[string]any) map[string]any
func DeepMerge(src, dst map[string]any, deep int) map[string]any
func MergeSMap(src, dst map[string]string, ignoreCase bool) map[string]string
func MergeStringMap(src, dst map[string]string, ignoreCase bool) map[string]string
func MergeMultiSMap(mps[string]string) map[string]string
func FilterSMap(sm map[string]string) map[string]string
func MakeByPath(path string, val any) (mp map[string]any)
func MakeByKeys(keys []string, val any) (mp map[string]any)
// source at maputil/setval.go
func SetByPath(mp *map[string]any, path string, val any) error
func SetByKeys(mp *map[string]any, keys []string, val any) (err error)



// source at mathutil/check.go
func IsNumeric(c byte) bool
func Compare(first, second any, op string) bool
func CompInt[T comdef.Xint](first, second T, op string) (ok bool)
func CompInt64(first, second int64, op string) bool
func CompFloat[T comdef.Float](first, second T, op string) (ok bool)
func CompValue[T comdef.XintOrFloat](first, second T, op string) (ok bool)
func InRange[T comdef.IntOrFloat](val, min, max T) bool
func OutRange[T comdef.IntOrFloat](val, min, max T) bool
func InUintRange[T comdef.Uint](val, min, max T) bool
// source at mathutil/compare.go
func Min[T comdef.XintOrFloat](x, y T) T
func Max[T comdef.XintOrFloat](x, y T) T
func SwapMin[T comdef.XintOrFloat](x, y T) (T, T)
func SwapMax[T comdef.XintOrFloat](x, y T) (T, T)
func MaxInt(x, y int) int
func SwapMaxInt(x, y int) (int, int)
func MaxI64(x, y int64) int64
func SwapMaxI64(x, y int64) (int64, int64)
func MaxFloat(x, y float64) float64
// source at mathutil/convert.go
func NewConvOption[T any](optFns ...ConvOptionFn[T]) *ConvOption[T]
func WithNilAsFail[T any](opt *ConvOption[T])
func WithHandlePtr[T any](opt *ConvOption[T])
func WithUserConvFn[T any](fn ToTypeFunc[T]) ConvOptionFn[T]
func Int(in any) (int, error)
func SafeInt(in any) int
func QuietInt(in any) int
func IntOrPanic(in any) int
func MustInt(in any) int
func IntOrDefault(in any, defVal int) int
func IntOr(in any, defVal int) int
func IntOrErr(in any) (int, error)
func ToInt(in any) (int, error)
func ToIntWith(in any, optFns ...ConvOptionFn[int]) (iVal int, err error)
func StrInt(s string) int
func StrIntOr(s string, defVal int) int
func Int64(in any) (int64, error)
func SafeInt64(in any) int64
func QuietInt64(in any) int64
func MustInt64(in any) int64
func Int64OrDefault(in any, defVal int64) int64
func Int64Or(in any, defVal int64) int64
func ToInt64(in any) (int64, error)
func Int64OrErr(in any) (int64, error)
func ToInt64With(in any, optFns ...ConvOptionFn[int64]) (i64 int64, err error)
func Uint(in any) (uint, error)
func SafeUint(in any) uint
func QuietUint(in any) uint
func MustUint(in any) uint
func UintOrDefault(in any, defVal uint) uint
func UintOr(in any, defVal uint) uint
func UintOrErr(in any) (uint, error)
func ToUint(in any) (u64 uint, err error)
func ToUintWith(in any, optFns ...ConvOptionFn[uint]) (uVal uint, err error)
func Uint64(in any) (uint64, error)
func QuietUint64(in any) uint64
func SafeUint64(in any) uint64
func MustUint64(in any) uint64
func Uint64OrDefault(in any, defVal uint64) uint64
func Uint64Or(in any, defVal uint64) uint64
func Uint64OrErr(in any) (uint64, error)
func ToUint64(in any) (uint64, error)
func ToUint64With(in any, optFns ...ConvOptionFn[uint64]) (u64 uint64, err error)
func QuietFloat(in any) float64
func SafeFloat(in any) float64
func FloatOrPanic(in any) float64
func MustFloat(in any) float64
func FloatOrDefault(in any, defVal float64) float64
func FloatOr(in any, defVal float64) float64
func Float(in any) (float64, error)
func FloatOrErr(in any) (float64, error)
func ToFloat(in any) (float64, error)
func ToFloatWith(in any, optFns ...ConvOptionFn[float64]) (f64 float64, err error)
func MustString(val any) string
func StringOrPanic(val any) string
func StringOrDefault(val any, defVal string) string
func StringOr(val any, defVal string) string
func ToString(val any) (string, error)
func StringOrErr(val any) (string, error)
func QuietString(val any) string
func String(val any) string
func SafeString(val any) string
func TryToString(val any, defaultAsErr bool) (string, error)
func ToStringWith(in any, optFns ...comfunc.ConvOptionFn) (string, error)
// source at mathutil/format.go
func DataSize(size uint64) string
func HowLongAgo(sec int64) string
// source at mathutil/mathutil.go
func OrElse[T comdef.XintOrFloat](val, defVal T) T
func ZeroOr[T comdef.XintOrFloat](val, defVal T) T
func LessOr[T comdef.XintOrFloat](val, max, devVal T) T
func LteOr[T comdef.XintOrFloat](val, max, devVal T) T
func GreaterOr[T comdef.XintOrFloat](val, min, defVal T) T
func GteOr[T comdef.XintOrFloat](val, min, defVal T) T
func Mul[T1, T2 comdef.XintOrFloat](a T1, b T2) float64
func MulF2i(a, b float64) int
func Div[T1, T2 comdef.XintOrFloat](a T1, b T2) float64
func DivInt[T comdef.Integer](a, b T) int
func DivF2i(a, b float64) int
func Percent(val, total int) float64
// source at mathutil/random.go
func RandomInt(min, max int) int
func RandInt(min, max int) int
func RandIntWithSeed(min, max int, seed int64) int
func RandomIntWithSeed(min, max int, seed int64) int
// source at mathutil/value.go
func New[T comdef.IntOrFloat](v T) *Num[T]



// source at reflects/check.go
func HasChild(v reflect.Value) bool
func IsArrayOrSlice(k reflect.Kind) bool
func IsSimpleKind(k reflect.Kind) bool
func IsAnyInt(k reflect.Kind) bool
func IsIntLike(k reflect.Kind) bool
func IsIntx(k reflect.Kind) bool
func IsUintX(k reflect.Kind) bool
func IsNil(v reflect.Value) bool
func CanBeNil(typ reflect.Type) bool
func IsFunc(val any) bool
func IsEqual(src, dst any) bool
func IsEmpty(v reflect.Value) bool
func IsEmptyReal(v reflect.Value) bool
// source at reflects/conv.go
func BaseTypeVal(v reflect.Value) (value any, err error)
func ToBaseVal(v reflect.Value) (value any, err error)
func ConvToType(val any, typ reflect.Type) (rv reflect.Value, err error)
func ValueByType(val any, typ reflect.Type) (rv reflect.Value, err error)
func ValueByKind(val any, kind reflect.Kind) (rv reflect.Value, err error)
func ConvToKind(val any, kind reflect.Kind) (rv reflect.Value, err error)
func ConvSlice(oldSlRv reflect.Value, newElemTyp reflect.Type) (rv reflect.Value, err error)
func String(rv reflect.Value) string
func ToString(rv reflect.Value) (str string, err error)
func ValToString(rv reflect.Value, defaultAsErr bool) (str string, err error)
// source at reflects/func.go
func NewFunc(fn any) *FuncX
func Call2(fn reflect.Value, args []reflect.Value) (reflect.Value, error)
func Call(fn reflect.Value, args []reflect.Value, opt *CallOpt) ([]reflect.Value, error)
func SafeCall2(fun reflect.Value, args []reflect.Value) (val reflect.Value, err error)
func SafeCall(fun reflect.Value, args []reflect.Value) (ret []reflect.Value, err error)
// source at reflects/map.go
func EachMap(mp reflect.Value, fn func(key, val reflect.Value))
func EachStrAnyMap(mp reflect.Value, fn func(key string, val any))
func FlatMap(rv reflect.Value, fn FlatFunc)
// source at reflects/slice.go
func MakeSliceByElem(elTyp reflect.Type, len, cap int) reflect.Value
func FlatSlice(sl reflect.Value, depth int) reflect.Value
// source at reflects/type.go
func ToBaseKind(kind reflect.Kind) BKind
func ToBKind(kind reflect.Kind) BKind
func TypeOf(v any) Type
// source at reflects/util.go
func Elem(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value
func Indirect(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value
func UnwrapAny(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value
func TypeReal(t reflect.Type) reflect.Type
func TypeElem(t reflect.Type) reflect.Type
func Len(v reflect.Value) int
func SliceSubKind(typ reflect.Type) reflect.Kind
func SliceElemKind(typ reflect.Type) reflect.Kind
func UnexportedValue(rv reflect.Value) any
func SetUnexportedValue(rv reflect.Value, value any)
func SetValue(rv reflect.Value, val any) error
func SetRValue(rv, val reflect.Value)
// source at reflects/value.go
func Wrap(rv reflect.Value) Value
func ValueOf(v any) Value



// source at stdio/ioutil.go
func QuietFprint(w io.Writer, a ...any)
func QuietFprintf(w io.Writer, tpl string, vs ...any)
func QuietFprintln(w io.Writer, a ...any)
func QuietWriteString(w io.Writer, ss ...string)
// source at stdio/stdio.go
func DiscardReader(src io.Reader)
func ReadString(r io.Reader) string
func MustReadReader(r io.Reader) []byte
func NewIOReader(in any) io.Reader
func NewScanner(in any) *bufio.Scanner
func WriteByte(b byte)
func WriteBytes(bs []byte)
func WritelnBytes(bs []byte)
func WriteString(s string)
func Writeln(s string)
// source at stdio/writer.go
func WrapW(w io.Writer) *WriteWrapper
func NewWriteWrapper(w io.Writer) *WriteWrapper



// source at structs/alias.go
func NewAliases(checker func(alias string)) *Aliases
// source at structs/convert.go
func ToMap(st any, optFns ...MapOptFunc) map[string]any
func MustToMap(st any, optFns ...MapOptFunc) map[string]any
func TryToMap(st any, optFns ...MapOptFunc) (map[string]any, error)
func ToSMap(st any, optFns ...MapOptFunc) map[string]string
func TryToSMap(st any, optFns ...MapOptFunc) (map[string]string, error)
func MustToSMap(st any, optFns ...MapOptFunc) map[string]string
func ToString(st any, optFns ...MapOptFunc) string
func WithMapTagName(tagName string) MapOptFunc
func MergeAnonymous(opt *MapOptions)
func ExportPrivate(opt *MapOptions)
func StructToMap(st any, optFns ...MapOptFunc) (map[string]any, error)
// source at structs/copy.go
func MapStruct(srcSt, dstSt any)
// source at structs/data.go
func NewLiteData(data map[string]any) *Data
func NewData() *Data
func NewOrderedData(cap int) *OrderedData
// source at structs/init.go
func Init(ptr any, optFns ...InitOptFunc) error
func InitDefaults(ptr any, optFns ...InitOptFunc) error
// source at structs/structs.go
func IsExported(name string) bool
func IsUnexported(name string) bool
// source at structs/tags.go
func ParseTags(st any, tagNames []string) (map[string]maputil.SMap, error)
func ParseReflectTags(rt reflect.Type, tagNames []string) (map[string]maputil.SMap, error)
func NewTagParser(tagNames ...string) *TagParser
func ParseTagValueDefault(field, tagVal string) (mp maputil.SMap, err error)
func ParseTagValueQuick(tagVal string, defines []string) maputil.SMap
func ParseTagValueDefine(sep string, defines []string) TagValFunc
func ParseTagValueNamed(field, tagVal string, keys ...string) (mp maputil.SMap, err error)
// source at structs/value.go
func NewValue(val any) *Value
// source at structs/wrapper.go
func Wrap(src any) *Wrapper
func NewWrapper(src any) *Wrapper
func WrapValue(rv reflect.Value) *Wrapper
// source at structs/writer.go
func NewWriter(ptr any) *Wrapper
func WithParseDefault(opt *SetOptions)
func SetValues(ptr any, data map[string]any, optFns ...SetOptFunc) error



// source at strutil/bytes.go
func NewBuffer() *Buffer
func NewByteChanPool(maxSize, width, capWidth int) *ByteChanPool
// source at strutil/check.go
func IsNumChar(c byte) bool
func IsNumeric(s string) bool
func IsAlphabet(char uint8) bool
func IsAlphaNum(c uint8) bool
func StrPos(s, sub string) int
func BytePos(s string, bt byte) int
func IEqual(s1, s2 string) bool
func NoCaseEq(s, t string) bool
func IContains(s, sub string) bool
func ContainsByte(s string, c byte) bool
func ContainsOne(s string, subs []string) bool
func HasOneSub(s string, subs []string) bool
func ContainsAll(s string, subs []string) bool
func HasAllSubs(s string, subs []string) bool
func IsStartsOf(s string, prefixes []string) bool
func HasOnePrefix(s string, prefixes []string) bool
func HasPrefix(s string, prefix string) bool
func IsStartOf(s, prefix string) bool
func HasSuffix(s string, suffix string) bool
func IsEndOf(s, suffix string) bool
func HasOneSuffix(s string, suffixes []string) bool
func IsValidUtf8(s string) bool
func IsSpace(c byte) bool
func IsEmpty(s string) bool
func IsBlank(s string) bool
func IsNotBlank(s string) bool
func IsBlankBytes(bs []byte) bool
func IsSymbol(r rune) bool
func HasEmpty(ss ...string) bool
func IsAllEmpty(ss ...string) bool
func IsVersion(s string) bool
func Compare(s1, s2, op string) bool
func VersionCompare(v1, v2, op string) bool
func SimpleMatch(s string, keywords []string) bool
func QuickMatch(pattern, s string) bool
func PathMatch(pattern, s string) bool
func GlobMatch(pattern, s string) bool
func LikeMatch(pattern, s string) bool
func MatchNodePath(pattern, s string, sep string) bool
// source at strutil/convbase.go
func Base10Conv(src string, to int) string
func BaseConv(src string, from, to int) string
func BaseConvByTpl(src string, fromBase, toBase string) string
// source at strutil/convert.go
func Quote(s string) string
func Unquote(s string) string
func Join(sep string, ss ...string) string
func JoinList(sep string, ss []string) string
func JoinAny(sep string, parts ...any) string
func Implode(sep string, ss ...string) string
func String(val any) (string, error)
func ToString(val any) (string, error)
func StringOrErr(val any) (string, error)
func QuietString(val any) string
func SafeString(in any) string
func StringOrPanic(val any) string
func MustString(val any) string
func StringOrDefault(val any, defVal string) string
func StringOr(val any, defVal string) string
func AnyToString(val any, defaultAsErr bool) (s string, err error)
func ToStringWith(in any, optFns ...comfunc.ConvOptionFn) (string, error)
func ToBool(s string) (bool, error)
func QuietBool(s string) bool
func SafeBool(s string) bool
func MustBool(s string) bool
func Bool(s string) (bool, error)
func Int(s string) (int, error)
func ToInt(s string) (int, error)
func IntOrDefault(s string, defVal int) int
func IntOr(s string, defVal int) int
func SafeInt(s string) int
func QuietInt(s string) int
func MustInt(s string) int
func IntOrPanic(s string) int
func Int64(s string) int64
func QuietInt64(s string) int64
func SafeInt64(s string) int64
func ToInt64(s string) (int64, error)
func Int64OrDefault(s string, defVal int64) int64
func Int64Or(s string, defVal int64) int64
func Int64OrErr(s string) (int64, error)
func MustInt64(s string) int64
func Int64OrPanic(s string) int64
func Uint(s string) uint64
func SafeUint(s string) uint64
func ToUint(s string) (uint64, error)
func UintOrErr(s string) (uint64, error)
func MustUint(s string) uint64
func UintOrPanic(s string) uint64
func UintOrDefault(s string, defVal uint64) uint64
func UintOr(s string, defVal uint64) uint64
func Byte2str(b []byte) string
func Byte2string(b []byte) string
func ToBytes(s string) (b []byte)
func Ints(s string, sep ...string) []int
func ToInts(s string, sep ...string) ([]int, error)
func ToIntSlice(s string, sep ...string) (ints []int, err error)
func ToArray(s string, sep ...string) []string
func Strings(s string, sep ...string) []string
func ToStrings(s string, sep ...string) []string
func ToSlice(s string, sep ...string) []string
func ToOSArgs(s string) []string
func ToDuration(s string) (time.Duration, error)
// source at strutil/encode.go
func EscapeJS(s string) string
func EscapeHTML(s string) string
func AddSlashes(s string) string
func StripSlashes(s string) string
func URLEncode(s string) string
func URLDecode(s string) string
func B32Encode(str string) string
func B32Decode(str string) string
func B64Encode(str string) string
func B64EncodeBytes(src []byte) []byte
func B64Decode(str string) string
func B64DecodeBytes(str []byte) []byte
// source at strutil/ext.go
func NewComparator(src, dst string) *SimilarComparator
func Similarity(s, t string, rate float32) (float32, bool)
// source at strutil/filter.go
func Trim(s string, cutSet ...string) string
func Ltrim(s string, cutSet ...string) string
func LTrim(s string, cutSet ...string) string
func TrimLeft(s string, cutSet ...string) string
func Rtrim(s string, cutSet ...string) string
func RTrim(s string, cutSet ...string) string
func TrimRight(s string, cutSet ...string) string
func FilterEmail(s string) string
func Filter(ss []string, fls ...comdef.StringMatchFunc) []string
// source at strutil/format.go
func Title(s string) string
func Lower(s string) string
func Lowercase(s string) string
func Upper(s string) string
func Uppercase(s string) string
func UpperWord(s string) string
func LowerFirst(s string) string
func UpperFirst(s string) string
func SnakeCase(s string, sep ...string) string
func Camel(s string, sep ...string) string
func CamelCase(s string, sep ...string) string
func Indent(s, prefix string) string
func IndentBytes(b, prefix []byte) []byte
// source at strutil/gensn.go
func MicroTimeID() string
func MicroTimeHexID() string
func MTimeHexID() string
func MTimeBaseID(toBase int) string
func DatetimeNo(prefix string) string
func DateSN(prefix string) string
func DateSNV2(prefix string, extBase string
// source at strutil/hash.go
func Md5(src any) string
func MD5(src any) string
func GenMd5(src any) string
func Md5Bytes(src any) []byte
func ShortMd5(src any) string
func HashPasswd(pwd, key string) string
func VerifyPasswd(pwdMAC, pwd, key string) bool
// source at strutil/padding.go
func Padding(s, pad string, length int, pos PosFlag) string
func PadLeft(s, pad string, length int) string
func PadRight(s, pad string, length int) string
func Resize(s string, length int, align PosFlag) string
func PadChars[T byte | rune](cs []T, pad T, length int, pos PosFlag) []T
func PadBytes(bs []byte, pad byte, length int, pos PosFlag) []byte
func PadBytesLeft(bs []byte, pad byte, length int) []byte
func PadBytesRight(bs []byte, pad byte, length int) []byte
func PadRunes(rs []rune, pad rune, length int, pos PosFlag) []rune
func PadRunesLeft(rs []rune, pad rune, length int) []rune
func PadRunesRight(rs []rune, pad rune, length int) []rune
func Repeat(s string, times int) string
func RepeatRune(char rune, times int) []rune
func RepeatBytes(char byte, times int) []byte
func RepeatChars[T byte | rune](char T, times int) []T
// source at strutil/parse.go
func MustToTime(s string, layouts ...string) time.Time
func ToTime(s string, layouts ...string) (t time.Time, err error)
func ParseSizeRange(expr string, opt *ParseSizeOpt) (min, max uint64, err error)
func SafeByteSize(sizeStr string) uint64
func ToByteSize(sizeStr string) (uint64, error)
// source at strutil/random.go
func RandomChars(ln int) string
func RandomCharsV2(ln int) string
func RandomCharsV3(ln int) string
func RandWithTpl(n int, letters string) string
func RandomString(length int) (string, error)
func RandomBytes(length int) ([]byte, error)
// source at strutil/runes.go
func RuneIsWord(c rune) bool
func RuneIsLower(c rune) bool
func RuneIsUpper(c rune) bool
func RunePos(s string, ru rune) int
func IsSpaceRune(r rune) bool
func Utf8Len(s string) int
func Utf8len(s string) int
func RuneCount(s string) int
func RuneWidth(r rune) int
func TextWidth(s string) int
func Utf8Width(s string) int
func RunesWidth(rs []rune) (w int)
func Truncate(s string, w int, tail string) string
func TextTruncate(s string, w int, tail string) string
func Utf8Truncate(s string, w int, tail string) string
func TextSplit(s string, w int) []string
func Utf8Split(s string, w int) []string
func TextWrap(s string, w int) string
func WidthWrap(s string, w int) string
func WordWrap(s string, w int) string
// source at strutil/split.go
func BeforeFirst(s, sep string) string
func AfterFirst(s, sep string) string
func BeforeLast(s, sep string) string
func AfterLast(s, sep string) string
func Cut(s, sep string) (before string, after string, found bool)
func QuietCut(s, sep string) (before string, after string)
func MustCut(s, sep string) (before string, after string)
func TrimCut(s, sep string) (string, string)
func SplitKV(s, sep string) (string, string)
func SplitValid(s, sep string) (ss []string)
func Split(s, sep string) (ss []string)
func SplitNValid(s, sep string, n int) (ss []string)
func SplitN(s, sep string, n int) (ss []string)
func SplitTrimmed(s, sep string) (ss []string)
func SplitNTrimmed(s, sep string, n int) (ss []string)
func Substr(s string, pos, length int) string
func SplitInlineComment(val string, strict ...bool) (string, string)
func FirstLine(output string) string
// source at strutil/strutil.go
func OrCond(cond bool, s1, s2 string) string
func BlankOr(val, defVal string) string
func ZeroOr[T ~string](val, defVal T) T
func ErrorOr(s string, err error, defVal string) string
func OrElse(s, orVal string) string
func OrHandle(s string, fn comdef.StringHandleFunc) string
func Valid(ss ...string) string
func Replaces(str string, pairs map[string]string) string
func NewReplacer(pairs map[string]string) *strings.Replacer
func WrapTag(s, tag string) string
func SubstrCount(s, substr string, params ...uint64) (int, error)



// source at syncs/chan.go
func WaitCloseSignals(onClose func(sig os.Signal))
func Go(f func() error) error
// source at syncs/group.go
func NewCtxErrGroup(ctx context.Context, limit (*ErrGroup, context.Context)
func NewErrGroup(limit *ErrGroup
// source at syncs/signal.go
func SignalHandler(ctx context.Context, signals ...os.Signal) (execute func() error, interrupt func(error))

System Utils


// source at sysutil/exec.go
func NewCmd(bin string, args ...string) *cmdr.Cmd
func FlushExec(bin string, args ...string) error
func QuickExec(cmdLine string, workDir ...string) (string, error)
func ExecLine(cmdLine string, workDir ...string) (string, error)
func ExecCmd(binName string, args []string, workDir ...string) (string, error)
func ShellExec(cmdLine string, shells ...string) (string, error)
// source at sysutil/stack.go
func CallersInfos(skip, num int, filters ...func(file string, fc *runtime.Func) bool) []*CallerInfo
// source at sysutil/sysenv.go
func IsMSys() bool
func IsConsole(out io.Writer) bool
func IsTerminal(fd uintptr) bool
func StdIsTerminal() bool
func Hostname() string
func CurrentShell(onlyName bool) (path string)
func HasShellEnv(shell string) bool
func IsShellSpecialVar(c uint8) bool
func FindExecutable(binName string) (string, error)
func Executable(binName string) (string, error)
func HasExecutable(binName string) bool
func Getenv(name string, def ...string) string
func Environ() map[string]string
func EnvMapWith(newEnv map[string]string) map[string]string
func EnvPaths() []string
func SearchPath(keywords string, limit int) []string
// source at sysutil/sysgo.go
func GoVersion() string
func ParseGoVersion(line string) (*GoInfo, error)
func OsGoInfo() (*GoInfo, error)
// source at sysutil/sysutil.go
func Workdir() string
func BinDir() string
func BinName() string
func BinFile() string
func Open(fileOrURL string) error
func OpenBrowser(fileOrURL string) error
func OpenFile(path string) error
// source at sysutil/sysutil_nonwin.go
func Kill(pid int, signal syscall.Signal) error
func ProcessExists(pid int) bool
// source at sysutil/sysutil_unix.go
func IsWin() bool
func IsWindows() bool
func IsMac() bool
func IsDarwin() bool
func IsLinux() bool
func OpenURL(URL string) error
// source at sysutil/user.go
func MustFindUser(uname string) *user.User
func LoginUser() *user.User
func CurrentUser() *user.User
func UHomeDir() string
func UserHomeDir() string
func HomeDir() string
func UserDir(subPath string) string
func UserCacheDir(subPath string) string
func UserConfigDir(subPath string) string
func ExpandPath(path string) string
func ExpandHome(path string) string
// source at sysutil/user_nonwin.go
func ChangeUserByName(newUname string) error
func ChangeUserUidGid(newUID int, newGid int) error
func ChangeUserUIDGid(newUID int, newGid int) (err error)

Testing Utils


// source at testutil/buffer.go
func NewBuffer() *byteutil.Buffer
// source at testutil/envmock.go
func MockEnvValue(key, val string, fn func(nv string))
func MockEnvValues(kvMap map[string]string, fn func())
func MockOsEnvByText(envText string, fn func())
func MockOsEnv(mp map[string]string, fn func())
func ClearOSEnv()
func RevertOSEnv()
func MockCleanOsEnv(mp map[string]string, fn func())
// source at testutil/httpmock.go
func NewHttpRequest(method, path string, data *MD) *http.Request
func NewHTTPRequest(method, path string, data *MD) *http.Request
func MockRequest(h http.Handler, method, path string, data *MD) *httptest.ResponseRecorder
func TestMain(m *testing.M)
func NewEchoServer() *httptest.Server
func BuildEchoReply(r *http.Request) *EchoReply
func ParseRespToReply(w *http.Response) *EchoReply
func ParseBodyToReply(bd io.ReadCloser) *EchoReply
// source at testutil/testutil.go
func DiscardStdout() error
func ReadOutput() (s string)
func RewriteStdout()
func RestoreStdout(printData ...bool) (s string)
func RewriteStderr()
func RestoreStderr(printData ...bool) (s string)
func SetTimeLocal(tl *time.Location)
func SetTimeLocalUTC()
func RestoreTimeLocal()
// source at testutil/writer.go
func NewTestWriter() *TestWriter
func NewDirEnt(fpath string, isDir ...bool) *fakeobj.DirEntry



Provides an enhanced time.Time implementation, and add more commonly used functional methods.

// source at timex/check.go
func IsDuration(s string) bool
func InRange(dst, start, end time.Time) bool
// source at timex/conv.go
func Elapsed(start, end time.Time) string
func ElapsedNow(start time.Time) string
func FromNow(t time.Time) string
func FromNowWith(u time.Time, tms []TimeMessage) string
func HowLongAgo(diffSec int64) string
func HowLongAgo2(diffSec int64, tms []TimeMessage) string
func ToTime(s string, layouts ...string) (time.Time, error)
func ToDur(s string) (time.Duration, error)
func ToDuration(s string) (time.Duration, error)
func TryToTime(s string, bt time.Time) (time.Time, error)
func ParseRange(expr string, opt *ParseRangeOpt) (start, end time.Time, err error)
// source at timex/gotime.go
func SetLocalByName(tzName string) error
func NowAddDay(day int) time.Time
func NowAddHour(hour int) time.Time
func NowAddMinutes(minutes int) time.Time
func NowAddSec(seconds int) time.Time
func NowAddSeconds(seconds int) time.Time
func NowHourStart() time.Time
func NowHourEnd() time.Time
func AddDay(t time.Time, day int) time.Time
func AddHour(t time.Time, hour int) time.Time
func AddMinutes(t time.Time, minutes int) time.Time
func AddSeconds(t time.Time, seconds int) time.Time
func AddSec(t time.Time, seconds int) time.Time
func HourStart(t time.Time) time.Time
func HourEnd(t time.Time) time.Time
func DayStart(t time.Time) time.Time
func DayEnd(t time.Time) time.Time
func TodayStart() time.Time
func TodayEnd() time.Time
// source at timex/template.go
func ToLayout(template string) string
// source at timex/timex.go
func Now() *Time
func New(t time.Time) *Time
func Wrap(t time.Time) *Time
func FromTime(t time.Time) *Time
func Local() *Time
func FromUnix(sec int64) *Time
func FromDate(s string, template ...string) (*Time, error)
func FromString(s string, layouts ...string) (*Time, error)
func LocalByName(tzName string) *Time
// source at timex/util.go
func NowUnix() int64
func NowDate(template ...string) string
func Format(t time.Time) string
func FormatBy(t time.Time, layout string) string
func Date(t time.Time, template ...string) string
func Datetime(t time.Time, template ...string) string
func DateFormat(t time.Time, template string) string
func FormatByTpl(t time.Time, template string) string
func FormatUnix(sec int64, layout ...string) string
func FormatUnixBy(sec int64, layout string) string
func FormatUnixByTpl(sec int64, template ...string) string

Timex Usage

Create timex instance

now := timex.Now()

// from time.Time
tx := timex.New(time.Now())
tx := timex.FromTime(time.Now())

// from time unix
tx := timex.FromUnix(1647411580)

Create from datetime string:

// auto match layout by datetime
tx, err  := timex.FromString("2022-04-20 19:40:34")
// custom set the datetime layout
tx, err  := timex.FromString("2022-04-20 19:40:34", "2006-01-02 15:04:05")
// use date template as layout
tx, err  := timex.FromDate("2022-04-20 19:40:34", "Y-m-d H:I:S")

Use timex instance

tx := timex.Now()

change time:


tx.DayStart() // get time at Y-m-d 00:00:00
tx.DayEnd() // get time at Y-m-d 23:59:59
tx.HourStart() // get time at Y-m-d H:00:00
tx.HourEnd() // get time at Y-m-d H:59:59


compare time:

// before compare
tx.IsBefore(u time.Time)
// after compare
tx.IsAfter(u time.Time)

Helper functions

ts := timex.NowUnix() // current unix timestamp

t := NowAddDay(1) // from now add 1 day
t := NowAddHour(1) // from now add 1 hour
t := NowAddMinutes(3) // from now add 3 minutes
t := NowAddSeconds(180) // from now add 180 seconds

Convert time to date by template

Template Chars:

 Y,y - year
  Y - year 2006
  y - year 06
 m - month 01-12
 d - day 01-31
 H,h - hour
  H - hour 00-23
  h - hour 01-12
 I,i - minute
  I - minute 00-59
  i - minute 0-59
 S,s - second
  S - second 00-59
  s - second 0-59

More, please see char map

Examples, use timex:

tx := timex.Now()
date := tx.DateFormat("Y-m-d H:I:S") // Output: 2022-04-20 19:09:03
date = tx.DateFormat("y-m-d h:i:s") // Output: 22-04-20 07:9:3

Format time.Time:

tx := time.Now()
date := timex.DateFormat(tx, "Y-m-d H:I:S") // Output: 2022-04-20 19:40:34

More usage:

ts := timex.NowUnix() // current unix timestamp

date := FormatUnix(ts, "2006-01-02 15:04:05") // Get: 2022-04-20 19:40:34
date := FormatUnixByTpl(ts, "Y-m-d H:I:S") // Get: 2022-04-20 19:40:34

Code Check & Testing

gofmt -w -l ./
golint ./...

# testing
go test -v ./...
go test -v -run ^TestErr$
go test -v -run ^TestErr$ ./testutil/assert/...

Testing in docker:

cd goutil
docker run -ti -v $(pwd):/go/work golang:1.18
root@xx:/go/work# go test ./...


Gookit packages

  • gookit/ini Go config management, use INI files
  • gookit/rux Simple and fast request router for golang HTTP
  • gookit/gcli Build CLI application, tool library, running CLI commands
  • gookit/slog Lightweight, easy to extend, configurable logging library written in Go
  • gookit/color A command-line color library with true color support, universal API methods and Windows support
  • gookit/event Lightweight event manager and dispatcher implements by Go
  • gookit/cache Generic cache use and cache manager for golang. support File, Memory, Redis, Memcached.
  • gookit/config Go config management. support JSON, YAML, TOML, INI, HCL, ENV and Flags
  • gookit/filter Provide filtering, sanitizing, and conversion of golang data
  • gookit/validate Use for data validation and filtering. support Map, Struct, Form data
  • gookit/goutil Some utils for the Go: string, array/slice, map, format, cli, env, filesystem, test and more
  • More, please see




💪 Helper Utils(700+): int, byte, string, array/slice, map, struct, dump, convert/format, error, web/http, cli/flag, OS/ENV, filesystem, system, test/assert, time and more. Go 常用的一些工具函数:数字,字符串,数组,Map,结构体,反射,文本,文件,错误,时间日期,特殊处理,格式化,常用信息获取等等







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