This is an implementation I made when I get started with computer vision and deep learning, and I nearly forget that I had such a repository.... The implementation is NOT complete and I didn't finished training a model with satisfying results, part of the reason is that I only had a GTX960. I will try to optimize it when i finished my master thesis, that is to say in November at least.
This is a try of implementation of the paper 'PairedCycleGAN: Asymmetric Style Transferfor Applying and Removing Makeup' with PyTorch.
The code is based on the implementation of junyanz's pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix project
I principally modified the parts of 'model' and 'datasets' .
P.S: The code is far away from perfect and may not look like exactly the same as described in the paper but the core ideas are the same.I'm stil working on it.