Drag and Drop File Uploader built with Vue 3 for a Smashing Magazine article
A No Code Admin, CRM, CMS, Website Builder platform. Powered by CoCreateJS to provide Realtime and Collaborative CRUD functionality.
A simple fullcalendar component in vanilla javascript. Easily configured using HTML5 attributes and/or JavaScript API.
A draggable, movable and resizable modal. customizable via attributes, great for popups, alerts, multitasking and displaying multiple views.
A lightweight utility-first Atomic CSS framework promoting rapid UI development. No learning curve... Apply your native css property:value directly in class, then extract and transform it.
Simple JS component show & hide elements conditionally with inputs,checkbox,radio,btn etc.Great for creating tabs, accordions, dynamic forms, etc. Easy Configuration using HTML5 data attributes and…
Chain multiple component executions to generate your desired logic, when one action is complete next one will start. The sequence goes until all actions have been completed. Vanilla javascript, eas…