Tags: jitendar-singh/build
Merge pull request shipwright-io#894 from SaschaSchwarze0/sascha-init… …-taskrunsample Ensure taskRunSample is not nil
Merge pull request shipwright-io#807 from adambkaplan/fix-finalizer-rbac Fix RBAC so Shipwright Build works with the OwnerReferencesPermissionEnforcement admission controller
Merge pull request shipwright-io#800 from imjasonh/event Fix another typo in release.yaml
Merge pull request shipwright-io#712 from gabemontero/rel-note-script… …-fix validate PR release-note text, skip entries with invalid format; various sh/bash differences between fedora and ubuntu; add sorting based on kind labels
Merge pull request shipwright-io#634 from qu1queee/qu1queee/default_g… …it_branch_fix Modify default branch behaviour for git repos
Merge pull request shipwright-io#462 from adambkaplan/osdk-v018 Bump operator-sdk to v0.18, k8s to 1.18
Merge pull request shipwright-io#445 from zhangtbj/refine_error_message Change error messages start with a lower case letter
Enhance docs by adding contributing and code-of-conduct files (shipwr… …ight-io#372) * Add code of conduct doc We reference to the Kubernetes community one, in the same way as most of the Kubernetes existing projects * Add contributing doc Trying to add some initial words on future contributions. I think we still need to generate more docs for this, but so far is good to have this as an initial step. * add copyright headers