1. Installing
* sudo pip3 install torch torchvision tensorboardX tensorflow numpy scipy imageio opencv-python
2. Creating dataset from videos (Preprocessing videos)
* python PoseNet/converter/tfjs2python.py
* python index2_video_shot_processing.py
* python index3_create_Only_in_out_dataset.py
3. Training
* python index4_train_mdn_simple_rnn_bnc.py
4. Testing (works directly as pretrained weights included in repo)
* run jupyter notebook in root directory
* open index5_test_trained_model_simplernn_for_bnc.ipynb and run all cells
* use some software(may be windows 10 photos app) to combine generated video and input audio
Classical | Western | Mixed |
Music2Dance(project root)
│ index2_video_shot_processing.py - Process mp4 video files present in data directory
│ index3_create_Only_in_out_dataset.py - Creating input/output bundles for training the model
│ index4_train_mdn_simple_rnn.py - Process and train with training data
│ index4_train_mdn_simple_rnn_for_bnc.py - Same as above but if training data has two types of dances (like western and classical)
│ index5_test_trained_model_simplernn.ipynb - Testing trained model with random audio file
│ index5_test_trained_model_simplernn_for_bnc.ipynb
│ ReadMe.md
├───custom_utils - Utilities
│ datastft.py
│ mobilenet.py
│ video_shot_processing_utils.py
│ ├───test_audio
│ | test_audio.wav
| ├───audio_wav_indexed
| | audio (1).wav
| └───video_wav_indexed
| video (1).mp4
├───Object_detection - Object Detection model to detect human bounding box before finding the pose
│ │ mscoco_label_map.pbtxt
│ │ string_int_label_map.proto
│ │ visualization_utils.py
│ │
│ └───ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_2018_01_28
│ │ checkpoint
│ │ frozen_inference_graph.pb
│ │ model.ckpt.data-00000-of-00001
│ │ model.ckpt.index
│ │ model.ckpt.meta
│ │ pipeline.config
│ │
│ └───saved_model
│ │ saved_model.pb
│ │
│ └───variables
│ ├───motiondance_simplernn - Saved weights
│ │ └───checkpoints
│ │ epoch_{num}.pth.tar
│ │
│ ├───motiondance_simplernn_bnc
│ │ └───checkpoints
│ │ epoch_bnc_{num}.pth.tar
│ │
│ ├───Result - Test result video files are saved here
│ ├───Result_Audio
│ └───Result_Video
│ config.yaml
│ manifest.json
│ tfjs2python.py - Converting TensorflowJs model to python tensorflow understandable model
│ wget.py
- https://github.com/Fhrozen/motion_dance
- https://github.com/infocom-tpo/PoseNet-CoreML
- https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/research/object_detection
- https://github.com/axelbrando/Mixture-Density-Networks-for-distribution-and-uncertainty-estimation
Copyright © 2018, Ajay Sreeram