A simple memory game utilizing Pokémon to run in the terminal. The goal is to guess all the Pokémon in the Pokédex. To run the game, execute the Python file main_game.py, then follow the instructions provided. To read the instruction type 'h' in the terminal.
If you want to only play with certain generations, you can specify the generations on the command line. For example: main_game.py 4 8 9, will run the game with only generation 4, 8 and 9 included.
Features |
Different generations are shown using different colors |
Pokémon types are colored |
The player can show information on Pokémon, using the info command |
The player can filter the guessed and missing Pokémon based on generation and typing |
The player can filter Pokémon based on stat total and stat ranges |
The player can filter Pokémon types, using AND, OR and NOT operations |
The player can save/load games |
More info can be found by running 'help' or 'h' in the terminal.