Ongoing project to apply machine learning to the computation of algebraic K-theory.
Proof of Concept: a C-callable GPU-enabled parallel 2-D heat diffusion solver written in Julia using CUDA, MPI and graphics
A collection of some awesome public Julia programming language projects.
A curated list of awesome LLVM (including Clang, etc) related resources.
A Julia framework for implementing FFTs
Flexible and performant GEMM kernels in Julia
Minimal resolution algorithm for Adams-Novikov E2 term
Dynamically scheduling Julia code for HLS
A package for manipulating the Julia typed IR
Mockup implementation of Hilbert Modular Forms
FFLAS-FFPACK - Finite Field Linear Algebra Subroutines / Package
GaloisCPP: C++ Library for General Galois Field Arithmetic
A Rust library containing Galois-field types and utilities
Codebase for "A Census of Cubic Fourfolds over F2"
Website and documentation for the Liquid Tensor Experiment
plasTeX plugin to build formalization blueprints.
msieve - Number Field Sieve implementation by Jason Papadopoulos
Fixed-width integers similar to builtin ones
Lean 3's obsolete mathematical components library: please use mathlib4