This whole Project was primarly build for the TATA innoverse competition 2018 (November) Pothole Detection Competition
This Project is based upon collection of images from phone application's and usinng Deep Learning Technique( Mask RCNN ), we have trained a custom machine learning model for detection of potholes inside images and plot them on google maps,which includes the size of the pothole inside image.
Pothole detection Accuracy 81% in different environments
The main files are Final_file_for_tata_innoverse.ipnb
if you require to train your own custom Machine learning model from the same dataset run this simple command referenced from the
python3 train --dataset=customImages --model=/path/to/weights.h5
We have used variety of Datasets :
Install youtube-dl to download files from google drive directly in terminal
To increase the model accuracy , For the training dataset we have trained them 5 types of dataset..
- Original Dataset Links
Sunny Dataset
Anue Dataset
Road Damage Dataset (Adachi)
Kitti image Dataset
If you want to add your own dataset into our dataset. We have resized all the images for faster processing to 800x800, Please do same with your images too
from PIL import Image
import os
from resizeimage import resizeimage
count = 0
for f in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
with as image:
count +=1
cover = resizeimage.resize_cover(image, [800,800])'pgm-1_{}.jpg'.format(count),image.format)
except(OSError) as e:
print('Bad Image {}{}'.format(f,count))
We have also done annotion of all the images present there, Annotion images
- For Annotion of images we have used
After annotion around 10,000 images then we create this dataset
Download these files
Folder Name | Download Link |
Train | Gdrive link |
Val | Gdrive link |
We have created this Dataset for final testing of the model This folder contains videos and photos that we recorded in May 2019 Test Dataset Download Link
**For custom Training Process**
extract the zip files and create a folder named as "customImages" and move both folders (train) & (val) folder directly inside it and then run the command
Structure for the whole Test Dataset Links
├── test_dataset
├──----- Photos
├──----- IMG_7300.MOV
├──----- IMG_7301.MOV
├──----- IMG_7310.MOV
├──----- IMG_7311.MOV
├──----- IMG_7312.MOV
As our accuracy of our model is 81% people who want to replicate in between and can take it the higher accuracy feel free to download
we are also providing the different stage of trained model so that people who want to consider it to use in transfer learning can also use this
If you are retraining the model then specify path from the epoch h5 else give a base model path provided on github
Epochs | Download Link |
epoch 40 | Gdrive link |
epoch 120 | Gdrive link |
epoch 160 | Gdrive link |
base model | Github link |
Custom Training Process
python3 train --dataset=customImages --weights=mask_rcnn_damage_0160.h5 --logs logs/
Background Training Process
nohup python3 train --dataset=customImages --weights=mask_rcnn_damage_0160.h5 --logs logs/&
Explaination of each segment
For making the whole product life cycle simple and economical we have used two servers and push the data in 1 bucket for easy access in the system accross
This is connected with (Google Cloud Plateform) which is having 2 Virtual Machines
- We have recieved the input image from Mobile Application that is stored in the server for every 24 Hours, Each application just uploads the data via API to server
We have not created any database, therefore we manage everything from file names and directory When any image is clicked cordinates is added on the image name
image name looks like
- This is very small server which only collects data from all the application around we have also added compression in image to reduce the load on the server
Everyday at 9pm IST scheduled via cron script (server Two) would run and Mask RCNN would run on all the images present in the working directory
- Both these sever has shared drive, So all this data is fetched by another server this is high computation server this runs every 24 hour for 1 hour daily and process all the images periodically
image name looks like
- Final updated data is refelected on google maps which can be seen in the application
Now only names of the image is parsed in which we consider only two segments for color marking
and other two for the location to be marked on the google maps
We have used Apache Cordova Framework for the complete development of Android & iOS Application
Andoird Application Link v0.5 | Gdrive Link |
We have completed Application Development for Detectiono of Potholes on Roads We have also open sourced are models for people who want to introduce tranfer learning or like to improve this Deep learning model feel to take a pull requests
We have created Android Application for the detection of potholes on Roads by the end of february we will shifting our application and model to openSource.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions and/or suggestions _ **[email protected]_**