DeepSpeech is an open-source Speech-To-Text engine, using a model trained by machine learning techniques based on Baidu's Deep Speech research paper. Project DeepSpeech uses Google's TensorFlow to make the implementation easier.
Documentation for installation, usage, and training models are available on
For the latest release, including pre-trained models and checkpoints, see the latest release on GitHub.
Download and extract the CommonVoice Corpus (cv-corpus):
Build the Dockerfile: Dockerfile.train
docker build -f Dockerfile.train . -t deepspeech/training
Example for projects structure:
-App --cv-corpus de
--Docker Dockerfile.train
Start the Container, it's important to load the cv-corpus as a volume and use GPU support:
docker run -it -v $(pwd)/cv-corpus:/DeepSpeech/data/cv-corpus --gpus all deepspeech/training sh
Container structure:
-DeepSpeech --bin
--data --cv-corpus de
Run the CommonVoice importer:
Example ./bin/ --filter_alphabet data/alphabet-utf8.txt data/cv-corpus/de0 --normalize
Start the Training.
-d dataset -a argumentation (default=false) -c cudaDevice (default=0) -t alphabet_config_path (default=data/alphabet.txt)
Example ./bin/ -d de ./bin/ -d de0 -t alphabet-utf8.txt -a true ./bin/ -d en -t alphabet-utf8.txt -c 1 -a true
Finalize the model
./convert_graphdef_memmapped_format --in_graph=models/en/output_graph.pb --out_graph=models/en/output_graph.pbmm
Transfere learning
Aktuell im Container:7b595
-d dataset -c cudaDevice (default=0) -t alphabet_config_path (default=data/alphabet.txt)
./bin/ -d de0 -t alphabet-utf8.txt -c 1
siehe entsprechender folder: data/lm
- Overwrite data/alphabet.txt with all characters of your language.
- Create your own training script (e.g. ./bin/
- Watch out for paths (e.g. /de -> /en)
If your alphabet doesn't fit your language, you have to replace /data/alphabet.txt with the following output:
python -m deepspeech_training.util.check_characters -csv data/cv-corpus/de/clips/train.csv,data/cv-corpus/de/clips/dev.csv,data/cv-corpus/de/clips/test.csv -unicode -alpha