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Analysis tools for Minflux microscopy data

Tools are available in Matlab and Python (both languages may not be equally supported). Scripts are under the MIT license (see LICENSE).

Import of Abberior Instruments Minflux microscopy data

This section goes into import of AI Minflux microscopy ( data.

Exported localizations format (May 2022)

The exported Minflux localization data format was subject to some changes between 2021 and 2022. A Matlab (.mat), a Python (.npy) or a JSON (*.json) export option exists.

They all represent localization as nested arrays of structs.

The top level consists of fields:

  • gri ?
  • itr (itself a struct see below)
  • sqi ?
  • tid trace id (unique for consecutive localizations of the same mol.)
  • tim time of localization (s) of last iteration (equivalent to itr.tic(:, end) / 4e-7)
  • vld true if regarded as valid, otherwise false

All fields except for itr are 1xN vectors for N primary localization events. (Software allows to include, exclude invalid localization attempts.)

Field itr is a struct with fields:

  • cfr center frequency ratio (equals efc / efo)
  • dcr detector channel ratio (ratio of Cy5 near to Cyr5 far detector counts - or the other way around)
  • dmz deformable mirror z-position
  • eco effective counts periphery (circumference of beampattern)
  • ecc effective counts center (middle position of beampattern)
  • efo like eco but frequency (Hz)
  • efc like ecc but frequency (Hz)
  • ext beampattern diameter (scales with wavelength and with L in sequence)
  • eox EOD position relative to Galvo center in x
  • eoy .. in y
  • fbg est. frequency of background counts (Hz)
  • gvx Galvo center position in x
  • gvy .. in y
  • itr iteration id
  • lcx localization position rel. to beam (m) in x
  • lcy .. in y
  • lcz .. in z
  • lnc loc non corrected
  • loc absolute localization precision in x,y,z (m), NaN means no localization possible/done. Localization corrected with beam line correaction (for newer system) If lnc =/= loc then data has been corrected.
  • sta debug parameter (state, number that encodes the abort criteria)
  • tic timestamp of every iteration / FPGA ticks 40MHz = (25ns)

All fields are NxM vectors for M iterations. Some are NxMx3: ext, loc, lnc mostly for x,y,z.


  • fbg is not very often updated, does not contain many unique values, accuracy is doubtful
  • background detection can be turn on/off with "BgcSense" true or false in sequence)
  • eco, ecc, efo, efc may be background corrected (subtracted fbg) but there are hints that they might not be fully corrected (fbg determined wrongly)

Number of photons

R.S. email: For the first localization of a trace, you need the combined number of the “phtLimit” parameters (of all iterations of your sequence) as a lower limit for total detected photons. After the first localization succeeded, additional localizations require only as much photons as needed for iterations from “headstart” on to the final one.

the parameter 'phtLimit' and 'headstart' can be found in the zarr directory 'mfx/.zattrs'. The 'headstart' is negative? The 'phtLimit' appears several time in the metadata with different values.

Beads for beam adjustment

You access the bead positions via the Zarr archive in the data directory (usually C:\Data<data uid>\zarr) while the measurement is open in Imspector. Within the archive structure, their localization data is stored at /grd/mbm/R.


Save data of paraview to file to load different measurements in one sample. From Imspector launch paraview and than save data.

Loadig of msr files using python

Impsector comes with python libraries for the handling of the files. specpy is located at C:\Imspector\Versions\IDOFIMSPECTORVERSION\python\PythonVersion-NumpyVersion e.g. C:\Imspector\Versions\16.3.15620-m2205-win64-MINFLUX_BASE\python\Python3.9.2-NumPy1.20.1 create environment with appropriate python version

conda create -n imspector-env python=3.9.2
conda activate imspector
cd C:\Imspector\Versions\16.3.15620-m2205-win64-MINFLUX_BASE\python\Python3.9.2-NumPy1.20.1
pip install specpy-1.2.3-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl

load a msr

file=specpy.File("name.msr") list the contained Minflux data sets (see dir() for the respective functions, they should be recognizable by name). Then, use unpack() to extract the data as a zarr to disk. This way, you can access all the mbm reference bead infos under /zarr/grd/mbm as arrays. The names of the beads that were used for the lnc->loc conversion are stored as "used" attribute of the mbm group.

Python install instructions

Install conda or miniconda ( Start anaconda prompt and install in the base environment

conda install -c conda-forge jupyter
conda install -c conda-forge nb_conda_kernels

The second package is to get see the different conda environments in jupyter automatically. Otherwise you need to do

conda activate myenv
python -m ipykernel install --user --name myenv --display-name "Python (myenv)"

Create a working environment, we name it mfx

conda create -n mfx python=3.9 
conda activate mfx

Use the yml file

Use the provided yml file and install all the needed packages

conda env create -n mfx -f mfx.yml

Install imspector specific package

cd C:\Imspector\Versions\16.3.15620-m2205-win64-MINFLUX_BASE\python\Python3.9.2-NumPy1.20.1
pip install specpy-1.2.3-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl

Install the current python code from this repo. Go to the directory of this repo python type

pip install -e mfx

This is an editable install (the -e ). Any new update of the package will be taken into account and be accessible.

python packages in detail

Tools for the data processing

conda install -c conda-forge scikit-learn 
conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
conda install -c conda-forge plotly
conda install -c conda-forge pandas

Zarr data handling

conda install -c conda-forge zarr

VTK stuff

conda install -c conda-forge vtk
conda install -c conda-forge pyevtk

Jupyter embedding

conda install ipykernel

Imspector specific package

cd C:\Imspector\Versions\16.3.15620-m2205-win64-MINFLUX_BASE\python\Python3.9.2-NumPy1.20.1
pip install specpy-1.2.3-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl

Finally install the python package in an editable version (still alpha). Go to the directory of this repo python type

pip install -e mfx

Any new update of the package will be taken into account and be accessible.

Start the software

Start a anaconda prompt. Make sure you are in the base environment. Eventually do conda deactivate to get out of another environment. Go to the directory containing the code. Start a anaconda prompt and type

jupyter notebook


Some tools to work with Minflux microscopy data







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