this is a module to facilitate preparation of reaxx input files, especially the geometry file and file.
See this file for some documentation of the formats.
The trainsets are more complicated to make. The file has several different sections. We need to create a dictionary that has the contents of these sections in it, and then a convenient function will write out the file for us. This file has heats of formation, and equation of state data.
import glob, os
from trainset import *
from jasp import *
if os.path.exists(''): os.unlink('')
# reference endpoints
with jasp('0') as c0:
atoms0 = c0.get_atoms()
e0 = atoms0.get_potential_energy()/len(atoms0)
d0 = reax_hash(atoms0)
with jasp('1') as c1:
atoms1 = c1.get_atoms()
e1 = atoms1.get_potential_energy()/len(atoms1)
d1 = reax_hash(atoms1)
#reference energies in eV/atom
reference_energies = {}
reference_energies[atoms0[0].symbol] = (d0, e0) # (description, energy)
reference_energies[atoms1[0].symbol] = (d1, e1)
cells = parse_trainset()
dirs = [0, 1, 2, 3]
# First we do the equations of state
for wd in dirs:
d = str(wd) # directory name as string
if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(d,'OUTCAR'))
and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(d,'error'))):
# geometry of cell
with jasp(d) as calc:
atoms = calc.get_atoms()
cells = cell_parameters(atoms, weight=1.0, cells=cells)
# equation of state Adri suggested we put a higher weight on
# points close to the minimum
eosdir = os.path.join(d,'eos-exp')
if os.path.isdir(eosdir):
edirs = glob.glob('%s/*' % eosdir)
cells['ENERGY'].append('# Volume %s' % reax_hash(atoms))
for ed in edirs:
if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(ed,'energy'))
and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(ed,'error'))):
with jasp(ed) as calc2:
atoms2 = calc2.get_atoms()
e1 = atoms.get_potential_energy()
e2 = atoms2.get_potential_energy()
weight = 0.1 + 0.25*np.abs((e2 - e1))*23.061 #kcal
cells = eos(atoms,
# comment line for readability
cells['ENERGY'].append('# Heats_of_formation')
for i in [0, 1, 2]:
with jasp('{}'.format(i)) as calc:
atoms = calc.get_atoms()
# This is a heat of formation
cells = energy(atoms,
write_trainset('', cells=cells)
Now the results.
cat /home-research/jkitchin/research/fe-ni-al/AlNi_fcc/