Creating web application version of MREEG: Modular Realtime EEG Education Guide.
Fields to add: Background: PDR (wiggle room around correct) reactivity organization symmetry normal variants (multivalued)
Artifact: Artifact type (multivalued) Artifact severity
Sleep: Stages of sleep (multivalued)
Slowing: lateralization localization frequency (delta or theta vs numbers; multivalued) rhythm (rhythmic, semi-rhythmic, quasi-rhythmic, arhythmic) morphology (monomorphic, polymorphic) [easier way to enter common types of slowing; TIRDA vs generalized slowing vs FIRDA, any IRDA, LIRDA, OIRDA, focal polymorphic vs generalized monomorphic]
Epileptiform/spikes: lateralization localization prevalence modifier (optional; no score)
Seizures: start stop site of origin (focal - lateralization/localization, generalized) secondary generalization (yes/no)
EKG (arrhythmia - yes/no)
Hyperventilation (focal slowing, focal discharges, expected slowing, excess generalized slowing) [multivalued; also may need to implement subfield to describe focal discharges and/or focal slowing]
Photic stimulation (multivalued: evoked discharges, no driving, evidence of driving)
Relevant findings (most pertinent abnormal findings -> essentially the summary part of an EEG report)
Interpretation -> these findings demonstrate etc etc (last 1-2 sentences of EEG report)