Field Day
- Portland, OR
- https://heyfieldday.com
- @JasonWLaPier
Rake task to binary search through your test for leaky tests
jlapier / backbone-forms
Forked from powmedia/backbone-formsForm framework for BackboneJS with nested forms, editable lists and validation
Writing Smell Detector is a tool to help find problems in your writing
📖 A creative-commons book on Backbone.js for beginners and advanced users alike
A sample Rails 3.1 app that demonstrates on-page notification messages
Form framework for BackboneJS with nested forms, editable lists and validation
a plugin that takes advantage of Rails's built-in caching methods
A generic Rails app that includes a CMS, Wikis, and Forums
Ruby on Rails site for reporting Technical Assistance by Special Education Programs
jlapier / git-achievements
Forked from lennart/git-achievementsAquire achievements while using git.
track contacts and their event attendance
A generic Rails app that includes a CMS, Wikis, and Forums
OpenConferenceWare is an open source web application for events and conferences. This customizable, general-purpose platform provides proposals, sessions, schedules, tracks and more.
rails plugin that makes it easy to search multiple fields in a model, even across associations
a rails plugin that timestamps cache fragments, allowing you to set a TTL for expiration
rails plugin that enables auto-HTML stripping on specified fields
git-svn clone of http://repo.pragprog.com/svn/Public/plugins/annotate_models/ with minor changes
THIS REPOSITORY IS OBSOLETE! The official implementation is at https://github.com/pdxruby/pdxruby2
simple backup for mysql, posgresql, svn and files to s3 or local filesystem
Extensions to Prototype to aid in writing unobstrusive JavaScript
OpenConferenceWare is an open source web application for events and conferences. This customizable, general-purpose platform provides proposals, sessions, schedules, tracks and more.