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In order to run this project you will need:

Local environment

  • Nginx
  • PHP 7.3 (FPM)
  • MySQL

If you use Linux or Mac a Makefile is included, so you can run these commands to start and stop all containers at once. Go to project root and run:

To start docker

make up

To stop docker

make down

First time instructions:

  1. Install Docker and Docker compose
  2. If you use Windows copy to docker-compose.override.yml
  3. In project root execute make up
  4. Then execute make php and then you will be taken into php docker.
  5. Execute composer install
  6. Copy .env.example to .env and replace the fields if necessary.
  7. Go inside src folder (please, go inside don't run the command above from outside this folder)
  8. Execute php yii migrate to create tables // pwd : /var/www/html/src
  9. If they not exist, create runtime and web/assets directories inside src folder.
  10. Execute chmod -R 777 runtime && chmod -R 777 web/assets
  11. import the dumps found in additional to these databases: thn and thn_test


Base url: http://localhost:8097 In the additional folder you will have a collection of postman, please import it

Internal / External Ports

  • Nginx 80 / 8096
  • PostgreSQL 3306 / 3010
  • PHP-FPM 9000 (User & pass defined in docker-compose.yml)


We have Unit, Integration & Api test. All your work must be tested before send the Pull Request.

Test setup:

  • Go to your database and create a new one called thn_test
  • Go to the config folder copy test_params.example.php to test_params.php
  • Inside the docker container run from root cd src/tests/bin && php yii migrate

Run test (go inside the docker and run it from root):

1.- docker exec -it php-api-container bash OR make php
2.- php vendor/bin/codecept run // for all (unit, integration, api)


composer test-u // for unit tersting
composer test-i // for integration tersting
composer test-a // for api tersting

Run: Tests

Main File

  • Config/routes.php

Main Directories

  • Controllers
  • Services
  • Repositories
  • Tests
    • Unit
    • Integration
    • Api

Dump && Collection Postman Directory

  • Additional


The test entails send by param the ID of any hotel that’s in database so the project returns:

  1. The basic data of the selected hotel
  2. Registered rooms
  3. Users who have booked rooms at the hotel

If you have come this far, thank you very much for your time. You can ask me questions to my email [email protected]


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