$ apt install fonts-firacode curl zsh neovim kitty nvm
$ chsh # Input /bin/zsh
$ touch .env_vars
$ # Do the following if not done automatically by apt.
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/vi vi /usr/bin/nvim 60
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/vim vim /usr/bin/nvim 60
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/editor editor /usr/bin/nvim 60
Install KeepassXC (and Nextcloud, optional). Enable SSH Agent in Keepass. Right-click on Home key and select "Add key to SSH Agent".
Host github.com
AddKeysToAgent yes
UseKeychain yes
Run ssh-add -l
to verify.
Update the dotfiles repo local config user email to [email protected]
. Without this step, later commits may be associated with the work email address setup in the global config.
git config user.email [email protected]
brew install --cask font-fira-code
brew install nvm
mkdir ~/.nvm # Install script below should link a .zshrc with the additional env setup.
nvm install --lts
nvm use --lts
brew install neovim
brew install kitty
$ source ./install.sh
In Neovim, run :PackerSync
or :PackerCompile
. Run :Mason
to install language servers, linters, formatters, etc.
TODO: Preconfigure Mason with preferred language servers, linters, formatters, etc. Current list includes: ◍ bash-language-server bashls ◍ black ◍ css-lsp cssls ◍ eslint_d ◍ flake8 ◍ gofumpt ◍ goimports ◍ golangci-lint ◍ golangci-lint-langserver ◍ golines ◍ gopls ◍ graphql-language-service-cli graphql ◍ html-lsp html ◍ isort ◍ ltex-ls ltex ◍ lua-language-server lua_ls ◍ prettierd ◍ prisma-language-server prismals ◍ python-lsp-server pylsp ◍ shfmt ◍ stylua ◍ taplo ◍ typescript-language-server ts_ls ◍ vim-language-server vimls