Customizable E-commerce app that relies on Stripe API to safely handle user payment info. App will be deployed onto a secure domain.
- React & Redux libraries
- MERN stack
- MLabs
- Bcrypt
- Passport.js(LocalStrategy & Google OAUTH2.0 X-Supported)
- Stripe
- Lodash
- Dotenv
- Set up mailing service
- Allow multiple images to be uploaded per product listing
- Set up Shopping Cart
- Set up "remember user" feature for checkout
- Edit product feature
- implement html entity conversion for xss for fun/practice(React & JSX is inherently safe(r) against xss attacks)
- add ip to logs model
- Implemented Mobile Responsiveness
- Fix refresh error on non-index pages
- Server logs middleware & DB model set up
8/19/18 & 8/20/18:
- Product Page
- Customized Card Components with Links in title
- Finished react-stripe-elements checkout
- Production server ready
- SSL set up
- Moving away from react-stripe-checkout due to CSP & lag concerns
- Update stock in DB
- Upgrade ProductCard Component
- Implemented Checks to prevent selling items not in inventory
- Update Product redux state
- Set up supporting API routes & Payment model methods
- Implement File Upload using S3
- Set up API & Front End view for user's listed items
- Finished Product Registration Form + Modal View
- Set up Local Login In/Register
- Set up Google OAUTH 2.0
- Store Vendor Request Set up