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Add black-box tests for bin/p6doc
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It would take refactoring p6doc entirely to be able to test routines
meaningfully. But black-box testing ensures that it's doing the right
thing, and hopefully is not too brittle so as to cause spurious failures
when unrelated changes are made.
  • Loading branch information
softmoth committed May 27, 2020
1 parent 59a37ec commit 03c2074
Showing 1 changed file with 138 additions and 0 deletions.
138 changes: 138 additions & 0 deletions t/05-docbin-blackbox.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl6

use v6;
use lib 'lib';
use Test;

plan 9;

constant DOC-BIN = $*CWD.add('bin/p6doc');

# Copy docs program to temp dir sandbox, since it saves state there
use File::Temp;
my $sandbox = tempdir(:unlink).IO;
my $doc-bin = $sandbox.add(DOC-BIN.basename);

sub run-doc(*@args, :$interact = False, :$rc = 0) {
my %env;
# Add -I. so 'doc/' directory is found
%env<RAKUDOLIB> = <. lib>.map({ $*CWD.add($_) }).join(',');
%env<P6DOC_INTERACT> = 1 unless $interact === False;
# XXX: This should be fixed in bin/p6doc itself, probably
# Avoid hard-coded, non-portable 'less -r' in bin/p6doc
%env<PAGER> = 'more';

my $in := $interact ~~ IO::Handle ?? $interact !! so $interact;

my $proc = run :%env, :$in, :out, $*EXECUTABLE, $doc-bin, |@args;

if $interact {
if $interact ~~ Iterable { $$_) for $interact }
elsif $interact ~~ Cool { $$interact) }

# See
my $dont-sink-and-die = $;
my $out := $proc.out.slurp.trim;
my $exitcode = $proc.exitcode;

is $exitcode, $rc,
"run '@args[]', exitcode = $rc"
or diag ("expected: $rc", "got: $exitcode", $out).join("\n");


subtest "build index" => {
plan 7;
is run-doc('path-to-index'), '',
"path-to-index is initially empty";
is run-doc('build'), '',
"build ok";
is run-doc('path-to-index'), $sandbox.add(''),
cmp-ok $sandbox.add('').IO.s, &[>], 1000,
" is not empty";

subtest "basic lookup" => {
plan 4;
like run-doc('list'), / ^^ 'method say' $$ .* ^^ 'method starts-with' $$ /,
is run-doc('lookup', 'method say'), 'Type::Mu.',
"lookup 'method say'";

sub check-found-page($out, $routine, :$type) {
like $out, / [ ^^ | 'Narrow your choice' .* ':' \h*] In \h+ $type \h* $$ /,
"gets page for Type"
if $type;
like $out, / ^^ \h* method \h+ $routine \h* $$ /,
"mentions 'method $routine'";

sub check-ambiguous($out, $routine, :$type, :$found, :$interactive = True) {
like $out, / 'Narrow your choice' /,
"prompts for a choice"
if $interactive;

like $out, / 'multiple matches' \N* $routine /,
"mentions multiple matches for $routine";

like $out, / 'Type::' $type '.' $routine /,
"mentions Type::{$type}.{$routine}"
if $type;

check-found-page($out, $routine, :$type)
if $found;

subtest "specific bare routine '-f' lookup" => {
plan 3;
my $out = run-doc('-f', 'starts-with');
check-found-page($out, 'starts-with', :type<Str>);

subtest "specific Type.routine '-f' lookup" => {
plan 3;
my $out = run-doc('-f', 'Mu.say');
check-found-page($out, 'say', :type<Mu>);

subtest "ambiguous '-f' lookup" => {
plan 3;
my $out = run-doc('-f', 'say', :rc(1));
check-ambiguous($out, 'say', :type<Mu>, :!interactive);

subtest "interactive '-f' lookup, empty response" => {
plan 4;
my $out = run-doc('-f', 'say', :interact(""), :rc(1));
check-ambiguous($out, 'say', :type<Mu>);

subtest "interactive '-f' lookup, numeric response" => {
plan 4;
my $out = run-doc('-f', 'say', :interact("1"));
# Not sure which Type will be first, so leave that off
check-ambiguous($out, 'say', :found);

subtest "interactive '-f' lookup, invalid response" => {
plan 5;
my $out = run-doc('-f', 'say', :interact("meaningless text"), :rc(1));
check-ambiguous($out, 'say', :type<Mu>);

is ($out ~~ m:g/ 'Narrow your choice' /).elems, 2,
"prompts twice for choice";

subtest "interactive '-f' lookup, substring response" => {
plan 6;
my $out = run-doc('-f', 'say', :interact("::Mu."));
# Not sure which Type will be first, so leave that off
check-ambiguous($out, 'say', :type<Mu>, :found);

# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4 ft=perl6

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