This project was done for a Capita Selecta project at the Eindhoven University of Technology. This project can give a dataset similarity ranking based on all datasets in the OpenML CC-18 classification suite. Two ranking are used, one uses the Dataset2Vec meta-feature extractor as described in the paper "Dataset2Vec: Learning Dataset Meta-Features." and the other uses the PyMFE meta-features.
Next to producing two similarity rankings, these rankings can be evaluated using the meta-learning task of model selection.
To produce a similarity ranking, run the file, with and OpenML dataset id as input. For example:
python --input_dataset 14
The meta-features can be re-extracted by:
This will output two csv files in the folder /extracted_MF
The performance of the two similarity rankings, based on the previously extracted meta-features, can be evaluated by running:
This outputs a csv file in the folder /similarity_evaluation. Note: this has a long running time.