NetStandard extensions and utilities set, focused towards Azure Functionsand serverless applications.
Custom Function execution filter for validating Json Web Tokens, only usable in Http-triggered functions
- IIdentity GetIdentity() => Returns the current user identity inside HttpContext
- bool AuthorizedByClientSecret() => ONLY FOR AZURE AD TOKENS, Returns if the token has been generated using a ClientId and ClientSecret
- bool AuthorizedByCertificate() => ONLY FOR AZURE AD TOKENS, Returns if the token has been generated using a Certificate
- bool IsJwtInvalid() => Returns if the provided token couldn't be validated by JwtValidator (malformed, expired, wrong signature...)
- bool IsUserAnonymous() => Returns if JwtValidator has determined that the user is anonymous (no auth header found in the request)
Provides a .Net MVC filters-like method of implementing custom bussiness logic filters that run before the actual code of the function starts executing. Focused towards Http-triggered functions.
Funky's filters system is based on three main parts.
First an IActionFilter interface is provided, every filter should be based upon it and implement it's ExecuteFilter() method, the current httpcontext is provided as params to the method.
public interface IActionFilter
Task<bool> ExecuteFilter(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor);
The returned bool must indicate the result of the filter's logic execution.
The FilterMapper class provides the capability to map certain filters to an specific key (usually a class name of method name) so they can be executed as a group with a single call to the filter executor.
public class FilterMapper
public void MapFilter<TClass, TFilter>();
public void MapFilter<TFilter>(string actionName);
public IEnumerable<Type> GetFilters(string actionName);