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Starred repositories
Compiling as a Service backend.
An active fork of curl-impersonate with more versions and build targets. A series of patches that make curl requests look like Chrome and Firefox.
Blizaine / Real-Time-Latent-Consistency-Model
Forked from radames/Real-Time-Latent-Consistency-ModelDemo showcasing ~real-time Latent Consistency Model pipeline with Diffusers and a MJPEG stream server
Incredibly fast Whisper-large-v3
trholding / llama2.c
Forked from karpathy/llama2.cLlama 2 Everywhere (L2E)
cgnorthcutt / cleanlab
Forked from cleanlab/cleanlabOfficial cleanlab repo is at https://github.com/cleanlab/cleanlab
realthunder / FreeCAD
Forked from FreeCAD/FreeCADLink branch FreeCAD
couchbase / manifest
Forked from membase/manifestTop-level source repository for Couchbase Server source code and build projects
deforum / stable-diffusion
Forked from CompVis/stable-diffusionjmowen / ResBaz-2021_Generalized_Low_Rank_Models
Forked from JCardenasRdz/ResBaz-2021_Generalized_Low_Rank_ModelsLearning and applying Generalized_Low_Rank_Models
sp_Blitz, sp_BlitzCache, sp_BlitzFirst, sp_BlitzIndex, and other SQL Server scripts for health checks and performance tuning.
embeddedgo / go
Forked from golang/goThe Go programming language with support for bare-matal programing
github / cmark-gfm
Forked from commonmark/cmarkGitHub's fork of cmark, a CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
Code accompanying the manuscript "Constructions in combinatorics via neural networks and LP solvers".
phiresky / sql.js
Forked from sql-js/sql.jsA javascript library to run SQLite on the web.
debauchee / barrier
Forked from deskflow/deskflowOpen-source KVM software
AlexeyAB / darknet
Forked from pjreddie/darknetYOLOv4 / Scaled-YOLOv4 / YOLO - Neural Networks for Object Detection (Windows and Linux version of Darknet )
Apsu / Smoothieware
Forked from Smoothieware/SmoothiewareModular, opensource, high performance G-code interpreter and CNC controller written in Object-Oriented C++
wolftype / versor.js
Forked from weshoke/versor.jsA Javascript port of the Versor Geometric Algebra library
AHRS Firmware for the SparkFun 9DOF Razor IMU and SparkFun 9DOF Sensor Stick
Allted / Marlin
Forked from MarlinFirmware/MarlinOptimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform.
fra589 / grbl-Mega-5X
Forked from gnea/grbl-Mega5/6 Axis version of Grbl, the open source, embedded, high performance g-code-parser and CNC milling controller written in optimized C that will run on an Arduino Mega2560
nwork / jellyfish
Forked from LucaBongiorni/jellyfishGPU rootkit PoC by Team Jellyfish
Zip-o-mat / Slic3r
Forked from slic3r/Slic3rSlic3r with integrated electronics and Nonplanar slicer (see branches)
Make longer continuous paths from shorter path segments
jmowen / Miss-Flyer
Forked from Jerzeek/Miss-FlyerTurning a sheet of paper into a paper plane in a single swipe!
Danny-VdH / Thor
Forked from AngelLM/ThorDIY 3D Printable Robotic Arm
beagleboard / beaglebone-blue
Forked from jadonk/beaglebone-blueBeagleBoard.org BeagleBone Blue - BeagleBone optimized for mobile robotics
Reflow Oven Controller. See below for more information.