High Availability AMQP Messaging with Redundant Queues
Beetle grew out of a project to improve an existing ActiveMQ based messaging infrastructure. It offers the following features:
High Availability (by using multiple message broker instances)
Redundancy (by replicating queues)
Simple client API (by encapsulating the publishing/ deduplication logic)
More information can be found on the project website.
# configure machines Beetle.config do |config| config.servers = "broker1:5672, broker2:5672" config.redis_server = "redis1:6379" end # instantiate a beetle client b = Beetle::Client.new # configure exchanges, queues, bindings, messages and handlers b.configure do |config| config.queue :test config.message :test config.handler(:test) { |message| puts message.data } end
b.publish :test, "I'm a test message"
Beetle ships with a number of example scripts.
The top level Rakefile comes with targets to start several RabbitMQ and redis instances locally. Make sure the corresponding binaries are in your search path. Open four new shell windows and execute the following commands:
rake rabbit:start1 rake rabbit:start2 rake redis:start1 rake redis:start2
To set up a redundant messaging system you will need
at least 2 AMQP servers (we use RabbitMQ)
at least one Redis server (better are two in a master/slave setup, see REDIS_AUTO_FAILOVER.rdoc)
For testing purposes, you will need a MySQL database with the database ‘beetle_test` created. This is needed to test special cases in which Beetle handles the connection with ActiveRecord:
mysql -e 'create database beetle_test;'
You also need a Redis instance running. The default configuration of Redis will work:
At runtime, Beetle will use
uuid4r (which needs ossp-uuid)
amqp (which is based on eventmachine)
For development, you’ll need
rcov (for ruby 1.8.7)
For tests, you’ll need
Stefan Kaes, Pascal Friederich, Ali Jelveh and Sebastian Roebke.
You can find out more about our work on our dev blog.
Copyright © 2010 XING AG
Released under the MIT license. For full details see MIT-LICENSE included in this distribution.