- Free software: Apache Software License 2.0
PyGray is a modified fork of the Glog-CLI, an open source command line interface for Graylog2.
Requirements: Python 3
Try (don't use Python2' pip!):
pip3 install pygray
or you can even install it from a GitHub clone:
git clone https://github.com/joaomarcusc/pygray
cd pygray/
pip3 install . -r requirements.txt
PyGray enables you to make searches using the official Graylog query language. To understand how to make queries please see the documentation.
Once you've installed the tool now it's time to run some commands, the following:
pygray -h mygraylog.server.com -u john.doe -p password -@ "10 minutes ago" "source:my-app-server"
pygray -h mygraylog.server.com -u john.doe -p password "message:200"
pygray -h mygraylog.server.com -u john.doe -p password -f
pygray -h mygraylog.server.com -u john.doe -p password "level:DEBUG"
pygray -h mygraylog.server.com -u john.doe -p password "level:DEBUG" -f
pygray -h mygraylog.server.com -u john.doe -p password "level:DEBUG" -d --fields timestamp,level,message -o dump.csv
pygray -h mygraylog.server.com -u john-doe -p password -@ "2016-11-21 00:00:00" -# "2016-11-21 01:00:00" 'message:blabla'
pygray -e dev -r short
pygray -e dev -r short -st mystreamid
pygray -e dev -r short -st '*'
PyGray can reuse some common configurations like address of your Graylog server and your credentials, it will look for a ~/.pygray.cfg or a pygray.cfg (in your current directory). PyGray will use default environment and format whenever an environment or format is omitted.
Here is a example for your pygray.cfg file:
format={host} {level} {facility} {timestamp} {message}
format=[{timestamp}] {level} {message}
format=time: [{timestamp}] level: {level} msg: {message} tags: {tags}
Please run the help command to more detailed information about all the client features.
Usage: pygray [OPTIONS] [QUERY]
-v, --version Prints your pygray version
-h, --host TEXT Your graylog node's host
-e, --environment TEXT Label of a preconfigured graylog node
-sq, --saved-query List user saved queries for selection
--port TEXT Your graylog port
--no-tls Not use TLS to connect to Graylog server
-u, --username TEXT Your graylog username
-p, --password TEXT Your graylog password (default: prompt)
-k, --keyring / -nk, --no-keyring
Use keyring to store/retrieve password
-@, --search-from TEXT Query range from
-#, --search-to TEXT Query range to (default: now)
--tail Show the last n lines for the query
-d, --dump Print the query result as a csv
--fields TEXT Comma separated fields to be printed in the
-o, --output TEXT Output logs to file (only tail/dump mode)
-f, --follow Poll the logging server for new logs
matching the query (sets search from to now,
limit to None)
-n, --limit INTEGER Limit the number of results (default: 100)
-a, --latency INTEGER Latency of polling queries (default: 2)
-st, --stream TEXT Stream ID of the stream to query (default:
no stream filter)
-s, --sort TEXT Field used for sorting (default: timestamp)
--asc / --desc Sort ascending / descending
--proxy TEXT Proxy to use for the http/s request
-r, --format-template TEXT Message format template for the log
(default: default format
--no-color Don't show colored logs
-c, --config TEXT Custom config file path
--help Show this message and exit.
See contributing document to learn how to contribute with us.