Visit the Wikipedia page for Pomodoro to learn about the technique.
Pomo Notes assumes you have, git, bash, and the date command installed on your machine (typically macOS & Linux), but should work fine with Windows if using the Git Bash Terminal within VSCode.
Clone the repository and then execute the following within the pomo-notes directory:
git clone
cd pomo-notes
This will create a file with a name like: notes/2024/05-May/
The file will contain a basic template including the current date in the title:
# Tasks for Fri May 03 2024
- Refine tasks, check emails, read messages & follow-up ๐
## Scratchpad
Find something interesting to put here each day.
Mark tasks with a ๐ (tomato emoji) for each 25 minute block spent on that task.
Next, set a 25 minute timer at the beginning of the day and fill out the Tasks list! Copy tasks from the previous day to the current if still relevant (including ๐ s).
Put links, snippets, whatever in the Scratchpad section.
The Tomatobar App is an excellent, free and open source, option for macOS if you don't want to carry around a kitchen timer.
The default template can be customized in the ./make_today file itself.
Install the Prettier extension for VSCode and use the VSCode editor for making edits to the markdown file. This project is set up to automatically format the Markdown files on save. Also, files will save automatically after 3 seconds.
The contents of the notes/
directory is ignored in the .gitignore file, but the files are still searchable within VSCode. This is intentional. If you need to back up your notes please consider a file sync solution (like rsync) or zip up the notes directory.
Make a fork of the repository and clone it locally.
Please install the latest version of NodeJS LTS in whatever way you prefer and install the devDependencies for the project:
npm install
The pre-commit hook ensures all project files are properly formatted on commit.
Push changes to your fork and then create a pull request to merge to the original project.