- Pro
Elixir hello world!
A Ruby job queue that uses PostgreSQL's advisory locks for speed and reliability.
joevandyk / sequel
Forked from jeremyevans/sequelSequel: The Database Toolkit for Ruby
JRuby on Heroku example application
joevandyk / ISO8601
Forked from arnau/ISO8601Ruby parser to work with ISO8601 dateTimes and durations — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601
joevandyk / ruby-duration
Forked from josedonizetti/ruby-durationImmutable type that represents some amount of time with accuracy in seconds.
ActiveRecord adapter for JDBC and JRuby.
joevandyk / rack-turing-test
Forked from genki/rack-turing-testBot detector for Rack::Request
joevandyk / nested_form
Forked from ryanb/nested_formRails plugin to conveniently handle multiple models in a single form.
JRuby on Heroku example application
joevandyk / draper
Forked from drapergem/draperDecorators/View-Models for Rails Applications
joevandyk / queue_classic
Forked from QueueClassic/queue_classicA worker queue for Ruby applications that uses unbelievably awesome features in postgres.
joevandyk / mysql2postgres
Forked from maxlapshin/mysql2postgresMysqldump, writing in postgresql format
joevandyk / crack
Forked from jnunemaker/crackReally simple JSON and XML parsing, ripped from Merb and Rails.
joevandyk / webmock
Forked from bblimke/webmockLibrary for stubbing and setting expectations on HTTP requests in Ruby.
joevandyk / virtus
Forked from solnic/virtusAttributes on Steroids for Plain Old Ruby Objects
joevandyk / font_assets
Forked from ericallam/font_assetsHelps with serving font assets with Rails 3.1
joevandyk / ssl_requirement
Forked from bartt/ssl_requirementSSL Requirement plugin
Helps with serving font assets with Rails 3.1
Database Backend for Rails I18n
joevandyk / sequel-rails
Forked from brasten/sequel-railsA gem for using Sequel with Rails3
joevandyk / n2
Forked from joaomiguelpereira/n2NewsCloud's open source Facebook application based on Ruby on Rails and Facebooker