Coder Community is a social platform for software developers of all levels. On Coder Community, you can join and grow with a community and read and write articles, post and watch videos, join and create groups, live chat, and undertake coding challenges together.
- Login and authentication system (Done)
- Allow users to upload videos, pics, create, delete, update posts (Done)
- Create, join and leave groups (Done)
- Like and unlike posts (Done)
- View posts by popularity (trending) and by tag (Done)
- Search system (Done)
- Following/followers system (Done)
- Comment system (Done)
- Let user have a "saved posts" reading list (Done)
- Real time messaging (Done)
- Code collaboration (Done)
- Unit 1: We use HTML, CSS, JS
- Unit 2: We use React and Redux (with Redux Toolkit)
- Unit 3: We use MongoDB for storing everything except for images (file storage instead) and code collab code (not stored), using Mongoose and Typegoose
- Unit 4: We use Node and Express for the back end (with NestJS framework)
- Unit 5: We have deployed the app on AWS EC2 with Docker at
From a DM chat or group chat, a code collaboration room can be created and an invitation link automatically sent to those in the chat
- We implemented this using WebSockets, treating it as a live chat session, where messages are editor actions (cursor position, insert, deletions, replacements), and updating the editor based on other users' "messages". The server maintains a list of code
Improvements to be made:
- A final major feature: extend Code Together to collaborative daily code challenges, with code execution and testing done by a standalone service, such as DMOJ
- Responsive layout: make every page mobile-friendly
- Expose more of Visual Studio Code's functionality in the code collab editor, such as language options
- Use a more robust solution for code collaboration that gracefully handles 'merge conflicts' that can result from poor connectivity etc
- We looked into Convergence server, but it takes 5GB of RAM to run, which is 4GB over our AWS EC2 memory capacity.
- Implement read-states for messages, and create a notifications/new messages system
Performance / scalability improvements:
- GraphQL: we used REST (HTTP endpoints) for the majority of our operations because using Express and REST was one of the requirements of the project. However, as a social network, we would benefit greatly by switching to GraphQL instead, which would also enable us to have more optimized mobile experiences.
- Caching:
- Front end: currently, we use our Redux store as a cache, only fetching posts that aren't in the store, with invalidation happening only on a page refresh. With a switch to GraphQL, we can use Apollo Client and the more advanced cache that comes with it, making a better user experience
- Server-side rendering: as a social network app with many pages / front end routes, we would see much faster loading times by switching from Create React App, which is purely client side rending, to a server side rendernig solution such as NextJS
Dara Nguyen:
- Contributed massively in every aspect of the project, including most of the visual design
- Trending posts (infinite scrolling), live chat, code collaboration, groups, etc
Yang Yang (Mina):
- Header bar, which is responsive
- Video upload feature (this feature was merged into the custom post editor which allows embedding of videos)
Zhuoting Xie (Fred):
- Post creation
- Post update
John Zou:
- Most of the back end (NestJS, authentication, WebSocket, OpenAPI, scripts to trigger code generation for end-to-end type safety, file upload/storage)
- Live chat, code collaboration, comments system, profile, post details page, React Router, etc
- Deployment
- Login and authentication system (Done)
- Allow users to upload videos, pics, create, delete, update posts (Done)
- Create, join and leave groups (Done)
- Like and unlike posts (Done)
- View posts by popularity (trending) and by tag (Done)
- Search system (Done)
- Following/followers system (Mostly done)*
- Comment system (Done)
- Let user have a "saved posts" reading list (Mostly done)*
| *Only thing left is to finish front end components, will be done very soon
- Real time messaging (Done)
- Interactive coding tutorial (Half done) AWS EC2 running Docker Minor changes (Such as Dockerfile, made before 10:00AM deadline, on branch project_5_deploy)
We are storing many collections in MongoDB:
Ensure that you are now retrieving your data from the database to display in your React components (at least one API)
We retrieve the following information from various API endpoints:
- User
- Tags
- Posts
- Groups
Ensure that you have a type of input or form element that sends data to the database (at least one API)
- Update Post (looks similar to create post)
Trending posts infinite scroll. Fetches posts in order of decreasing popularity and freshness, while the user scrolls through the page.
File upload and static image hosting of user content
GitHub OAuth login and custom token-based authentication
Users can create / join / leave groups
Users can like / unlike posts
- Login and authentication system (Done)
- Allow users to upload videos, pics, create, delete, update posts (Mostly Done)
- Create, join and leave groups (Mostly Done)
- Like and unlike posts (Done)
- View posts by popularity (trending) and by tag (Done)
- Search system (Not done)
- Following/followers system (Some done)
- Comment system (Not done)
- Let user have a "saved posts" reading list (Mostly done)
- Real time messaging (Not done)
- Interactive coding tutorial (Not done)
It has been connected to the component for the Home (/
), Post (/post/<post-id>
), and User (u/<user-id>
) pages.
These are working on the pages above.
A component for the main item (post) and styling / progress towards completing one of our minimal goals:
CPSC 436i Summer 2020 Team: Team Red (tentative name) Members:
- Dara Nguyen x3n1b
- Yang Yang c7x2b
- Zhuoting Xie k6y2b
- John Zou r6m2b
Targeting programmers or anyone who are interested in programming, Coder Community is a social network for programmers to connect with each other, share ideas, write articles.
- It will store user information, Social network (friends/followers), Blogs and associated items (comments, likes, images), video diary items (short videos, images, voice clips).
- Users will be able to:
- Feel a sense of belonging
- Self improvement (learning and staying up to date with latest technology)
- Find friends and project partners
- Additionally, we hope to implement, based on time constraints: Real-time messaging, integration with other services such as automatic uploading to Youtube
- Login and authentication system
- Allows users to upload videos, photos, pics, and create, delete, update posts
- Allows users to comment on other users’ blogs
- Implements server following RESTful principles with basic functions (including GET PUT POST DELETE) being supported.
- Connects to MongoDB and be able to store and retrieve user comments when requested.
Show posts in categories (tags) and popularity
Create groups which people can join
Supports user authentication using passport or other packages
Deploys using heroku or other cloud services
- Allow user to upload interactive coding tutorial
- Real-time messaging (one-on-one and group chat)
- Create MongoDB schema for articles
- Write back end API service in NodeJS
- Create Web interface for creation/editing/deletion/viewing articles
- Integrate with login / authentication system
- Create MongoDB schema for users/hashes
- Write back end API service in NodeJS
- Configure NodeJS middleware for authentication
- Create Web interface for login/registration