A collaborative virtual machine where players take turns in controlling it.
It works by running qemu on the server-side and streaming the image binary data to the browser.
In order to run socket.io-computer
you must have the following
dependenices installed:
On the mac, all of the above are available on homebrew.
First you should create an image onto which you'll load (install) the
operating system ISO. We'll call it for this example winxp.img
$ qemu-img create -f qcow2 winxp.img 3G
Then you can run the additional needed processes:
# web server
$ node app.js
# io server
$ node io.js
# qemu instance
$ COMPUTER_ISO=winxp.iso COMPUTER_IMG=winxp.img node qemu.js
# emulator communication process
$ COMPUTER_IMG=winxp.img node emu-runner.js
Then point your browser to http://localhost:5000