Ruby library for talking to the PVOutput API.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'pvoutput'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install pvoutput
In order to use pvoutput in your application you need to use
require 'pvoutput/client'
First step is to create a PVOutput client using your PVOutput assigned system_id and api_key
pvoutput =, api_key)
At the moment you donate to PVOutput you can enable the donation mode by creating a PVOutput client using
pvoutput =, api_key, true)
Now you can report your real time status to PVOutput using
The add_status operation accepts the following options
Option | PVOutput Parameter |
energy_generated | v1 |
power_generated | v2 |
energy_consumed | v3 |
power_consumed | v4 |
temperature | v5 |
voltage | v6 |
cumulative | c1 |
net | n |
As example
:energy_generated => 100,
:power_generated => 50,
:temperature => 30,
:voltage => 200,
You can report your daily output to PVOutput using
The add_output operation accepts the following options
Option | PVOutput Parameter |
output_date | d |
energy_generated | g |
peak_power | pp |
peak_time | pt |
condition | cd |
min_temp | tm |
max_temp | tx |
comments | cm |
import_peak | ip |
import_off_peak | io |
import_shoulder | is |
import_high_shoulder | ih |
consumption | c |
As example
:output_date => '20160228'
:energy_generated => 15000,
:max_temp => 30
You can report also a batch of daily output values to PVOutput using
The add_batch_output operation accepts a hash with the date as key and within that the following options
Option | PVOutput Parameter |
energy_generated | g |
peak_power | pp |
peak_time | pt |
condition | cd |
min_temp | tm |
max_temp | tx |
comments | cm |
import_peak | ip |
import_off_peak | io |
import_shoulder | is |
import_high_shoulder | ih |
consumption | c |
As example
:'20150101' => {
:energy_generated => 1239, },
:'20150102' => {
:energy_generated => 1523 },
:'20150103' => {
:energy_generated => 2190 },
You can enable HTTParty debugging to see the requests by setting PVOUTPUT_DEBUG=true
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake rspec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
To release a new version:
- Create a branch for the release
- Update the version number in
- Update
- git commit -pm 'Release 1.x.x'
- git tag v1.x.x
- git push
- git push --tags
- In GitHub add the Change Log section to the release and save it
- Check everything looks OK in GitHub Actions
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.