NOTE: Please switch to the mmsys24 branch to check the submission code.
Pandia uses DRL to improve the video streaming performance of WebRTC. This repo implements the DRL model and the training/evaluation framework. The customized WebRTC is implemented in another repo.
The compilation is required once the container needs to be updated. Notice that the compilation script requires the WebRTC repo to be already setup locally.
With RLlib, the containers run independently. The training is in a distributed manner. A cloud server is deployed for model training. Each streaming sender container has a local model for inference and is connected to the cloud server for updating the model, as well as the traning dataset.
Start the training server:
python -m pandia.agent.env_server
Start the traning clients, i.e., webrtc containers:
docker compose up
# The number of training containers is specified when executing
SB3 performs the traning in a centralized manner. All components run on the same machine. The training is provisioned by a single command.
python -m pandia.train.train_sb3_emulator
To test the gym environment for sb3, run the following command:
python -m pandia.agent.env_emulator