Collaborative journal paper on peridynamic plates
Made public after publication see DOI:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2014.09.003
To clone:
git clone
After making changes in your local repository, commit then locally with:
git commit -a -m "A Commit Message"
the -a
option adds all currently tracked files to the local commit. The -m
option allows for an inline commit message, if omitted it will open up an
editor for you to include a longer commit message.
When your ready to push your changes to the github repo:
git push origin master
is the default name given to the remote github repository when the
initial clone is done. master
is the default branch.
To sync your local repo with origin master
on github:
git pull
latexdiff-vc -c ld.cfg -r fcceb64d6 --math-markup=0 PlatePaper.tex
where 207e8e9
should be replaced with the correct git