University of Toronto - Project 02 - Team 06 - asl-game app
This is an application for learning how to finger spell with American sign language. The user will be prompt with images of signs in alphabet which will make up of words. And user will then insert an answer to try to guess the word that is shown in sign language. The user will then get a message rather they got it right or wrong. If they get it right they get 10points per question.
Below is the image of the application.
Below is the image of the application when the user can see the ranking.
Below is the image of the application when user can login
Below is the image of the application when user can sign up
Below is the image of welcome page to the spelling game
- Installation
- Functionality
- Usage
- Credits
- License
No installation requirements. Click here to open the webpage in your default browser.
The following discusses at a high level about some of the features of the website. Detailed code implementation can be found as comments in the JS files.
Tailwind CSS link
express js link
handlebars link
multer link
Tailwind CSS link
mysql [link](
sequelize link
Post CSS link
- Click here to visit the application.
- click login button, login page will appear.
- Fill in the required parameters to login.
- Enter username and password.
- Click on the "Start Login" button.
- You will be logged into your account.
- click sign up button, sign up page will appear.
- Fill in the required parameters to sign up.
- Enter username and password.
- Click on the "Start sign up" button.
- You will be create you a FINGER SPELL account.
- Use separate computer, tablet, or phone to access the website
- Access the web page via web browser.
- Right click on the page and select "inspect" to open browser's developer tools
- Enable the device toolbar if not already enabled
- Use the device toolbar on the right to grow or shrink the viewable area and see how items change.
- Lai John.
- Volvash Yaroslav.
- Fabian Mukungu.
License: MIT
This project is licensed under MIT, for more information please visit MIT License (