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0.1.1 [16 Sep 2013]

Jog, don't slog. Slogging through disparate logs gets tedious. jogger provides a common API to navigate through different logs. It's an experiment. I use it.

A Snapshot

>>> from jogger import jog
>>> log = jog('my.log')
>>> log
<Log: 1000 lines>

>>> log.attributes
['timestamp', 'level', 'msg']

>>> log.level()

>>> error_log = log.level('ERROR')
<Log: 3 lines>

>>> debug_log = log.level('INFO', 'DEBUG')
<Log: 997 lines>

But of course there's more.

Installing It

There's no pip (or PyPI) support yet, but that's in the works. You can download source and do:

> python install

In a Nutshell

Originally designed for exploring JSON logs, jogger is suitable for any kind of log. Exploring == navigating, filtering, and aggregating, whether that be via a REPL (human-centric) or a program (machine-centric).

Unstructured vs. Partly Structured vs. Structured Logs

When it comes to logging there are three ways of doing it: unstructured, structured, and everything inbetween.

This is a completely unstructured log line:

Oh, damn, this CrazyException should not have happened.

The nice thing about this log line is that it's easy to read. For a human. It's also easy to code: you just fire off a print with whatever message you like. Most logging facilities attempt to minimize this kind of log line. They enforce some kind of convention, i.e. a bit more structure.

A partly structured log line:

2013-08-15 00:12:43-0400 Oh, damn, this CrazyException should not have happened.

This is still easy to read. For a human. A machine could parse this easier than the first example, but there's still information hiding in there that will be hard for it to get at.

A completely structured log line:

{"timestamp": "2013-08-15 00:12:43-0400", "file": "", "exception": "CrazyException", msg": "Oh, damn, this CrazyException should not have happened."}

This is easy to read. For a machine. All the information is readily parseable and is not hiding anywhere. For a human, though, this is awful.

It is easier to move data from a structured format to an unstructured format than it is to do the reverse. I could probably tie this to entropy, and give you a proof, but I'm neither smart nor inclined enough. Knowing this fact, however, and promising yourself forever and ever to only log structured data does not change these other facts:

  1. there are old logs that are unstructured, partly or in whole
  2. there are other programmers who have different views than you
    a. and you have to deal with this civilly
  3. there are paths of least resistance - existing logging tools that do not emit fully structured data
  4. there are fractured log formats - all the tools emit something different
  5. you use print statements/calls at least once in blue moon, and even forget to remove them
  6. you're lazy

Some reading:

Disparate ways of logging are here to stay. Some people will dump structured data, others unstructured, and others a mixture of both. Sometimes the logs are in a database, and sometimes they're in plain files.

Jogging: What Is It?

Jogging is just getting data bundled up into a nice, common API, as shown in "Snapshot" above.

To achieve this, jogger follows these steps, each with an appropriate hook:


By specifying code for zero or more of those, jogger builds you a custom jogger object to jog your data with. These build steps are there for transforming data, so here's a data-centric view of them:

step : data
read : return a blob
chunk : accept a blob and return an iterable of smaller blobs (log lines)
parse : accept an iterable of blobs and return an iterable of Python dictionaries
bunch : accept an iterable of Python dictionaries and return an iterable of Line instances
inspect : --
patch : accept an iterable of Line instances and log mixins and return a Log instance

Each operation passes what it gets to the next operation below, with the exception of inspect. The inspect and patch operations are what give you back a nice API.

These operations exist for the crudest case: unstructured text. Sometimes logs are stored in databases where the data is already chunked (rows from a SQL db), or maybe already parsed (documents from a NoSQL db). In these cases the irrelevant build operations can be skipped.

A JSON Example

JSON logs are the easiest to jog, because you don't have to provide any code to get started. Just grab the default jog method, which is both JSON and line-based:

>>> from jogger import jog

Here is the contents of a line-based JSON log (test.log):

{"line": 11, "file": "", "msg": "Hello"}
{"line": 11, "file": "", "msg": "World"}
This is an errant print statement, an unstructured (bad) log line entry

Here's another plain text one, preceded by a blank line
{"line": 12, "file": "", "msg": "Pizza", "tags": ["food"]}
{"line": 13, "file": "", "msg": "Avocado", "tags": ["food"]}
{"line": 14, "file": "", "msg": "Cheese", "tags": ["food"]}
{"line": 15, "file": "", "msg": "Whiskey", "tags": ["drink"]}
{"line": 11, "file": "", "msg": "Hello"}
{"line": 11, "file": "", "msg": "World"}
{"line": 22, "file": "", "msg": "Liver", "tags": ["warn", "food"]}
{"line": 43, "file": "", "msg": "Onions", "tags": ["err", "food"]}
{"line": "woops","file": "", "msg": "Bazinga"}
{"msg": "All is well."}

It's kind of a mess.

Here is what you can do with it when you jog it from the REPL:

>>> log = jog('test.log')
>>> log
<Log: 14 lines>

# it's an iterable
>>> log[0]
<jogger.Line object at 0x000000000263DDD8>

# see all of the attributes (keys) for the lines in the log:
>>> log.attributes
>>> ['file', 'line', 'msg', 'tags', 'unparsed']

A key thing to note here is that every log line now has all of these attributes, even if that log line did not originally specify it. For instance, the last log line only defined a "msg" key. When we inspect it, however, it will not only have a "msg" attribute, but also all of the attributes specified by any other log line in the entire log.

jogger homogenizes all the log lines in a given log

In the case where a log line is given attributes that it originally did not have, jogger attempts to infer a default value.

>>> log[-1].file

Since all of the "file" keys in the log lines were strings, the default value for the "file" attribute is a call to str(), which produces ''. Similarly for tags, all of the values were lists, so:

>>> log[-1].tags

Sometimes jogger can't infer a default value because a key contains more than one type of value across all the log lines. The second last log line has a string ("woops") for its "line" key, whereas all other log lines that specify the same key have an integer.

>>> log[-1].line
<class 'jogger.NoValue'>

>>> bool(log[-1].line)

If jogger can't infer a default value, it will insert a special placeholder value: jogger.NoValue. This is an empty class that is false-y.

You can override these default values by supplying your own Log definition. The default Log definition is just this!:

class Log(object): pass

If you want to specify a default value for the "line" key, you can do so by setting a class attribute for that key on your own Log definition:

class Log(object):

    line = 0

Then create a new jogger with jogger.Jogger:

>>> from jogger import Jogger
>>> jogger = Jogger(log=Log)
>>> log = jogger.jog('test.log')
>>> log[-1].line

When you create this log it will be an instance of the custom Log class that you passed in to Jogger. It will also be an instance of jogger.APIMixin, granting it other capabilities. Let's look at what some of those are.

Attribute Methods (or Key Methods, Column Methods, Field Methods, etc.)

Each key in all the log lines of your log has become a method on the log object. Calling such a method without arguments returns all the possible values in the log for that attribute as an iterable. Using "file" as an example:

>>> log.file()
['', '', '']

This returns a list of all the possible values for "file" in all the log lines.

Sometimes a machine might not know which attributes are available until it inspects them. As a shortcut, the machine can access the attributes of log lines by specifying a string key on the log object, dictionary-style:

>>> log['file']()
['', '', '']

>>> log['file'] == log.file

Querying with Attribute Methods

Let's get all the log lines that come from

>>> log.file('')
<Log: 7 lines>

Calling the "file" attribute method with arguments returns a new log object with the relevant lines. Querying a log in any fashion returns a new log. This is handy because:

  • the object returned from a query has the same API, making queries chainable
  • subsets of logs are easily created, passed around, combined, and compared

Here's all the log lines from line 11 of

>>> log.file('').line(11)
<Log: 2 lines>

Each attribute method call can accept 0 or more arguments. Here's all the log lines that come from either or

>>> log.file('', '')
<Log: 11 lines>

However, we know there are more lines than that:

>>> log
<Log: 14 lines>

There's three missing. What other ones were there again?:

>>> log.file()
['', '', '']

Oh, some are empty.

>>> log.file('')
<Log: 3 lines>

There they are. Another way to get at those three missing lines is this:

>>> log.file.none('', '')
<Log: 3 lines>

Each attribute method call can also be dot-suffixed with a mode. Here's what each means:

  • any: get the log lines where any of the arguments equal the attribute, if the attribute is a single value (a scalar). If the attribute is an iterable (a vector), get the log lines where any of the arguments are in the attribute.

  • none: get the log lines where none of the arguments equal the scalar attribute. Get the log lines where none of the arguments are in the vector attribute.

  • all: get the log lines where all of the arguments are in the vector attribute.

  • only: get the log lines where all of the arguments are in the vector attribute, and the vector attribute only has those arguments.

The last two modes only make sense for attributes that are iterables (or vectors). The "tags" key in test.log is an iterable (a list):

>>> log.tags()
['drink', 'err', 'food', 'warn']

>>> log.tags('food')
<Log: 5 lines>
>>> log.tags('food', 'drink')
<Log: 6 lines>

>>> log.tags.all('food', 'warn')
<Log: 1 lines>
>>> log.tags.none('food', 'warn')
<Log: 9 lines>
>>> log.tags.only('food', 'warn')
<Log: 1 lines>
>>> log.tags.any('food', 'warn')
<Log: 5 lines>

That is a human-friendly way to query the log. A machine might only know attribute names and modes as strings. Let's be kind to machines (these are equivalent to the previous four):

>>> log['tags']('food', 'warn', mode='all')
>>> log['tags']('food', 'warn', mode='none')
>>> log['tags']('food', 'warn', mode='only')
>>> log['tags']('food', 'warn', mode='any')

Querying with Types, Functions, and Regexes

The searching shown so far has used values. But you can also use types, functions, and regexes (in any combination) for searching.

Querying with Types

Get all the log lines where the "line" key was an integer:

>>> log.line(int)
<Log: 10 lines>

Oh, four missing. What was the value "line" in those, then?

>>> log.line.none(int)
<Log: 4 lines>

>>> log.line.none(int).line()
[<class 'jogger.NoValue'>, u'woops']

The four that had non-integer line numbers had NoValue and 'woops' instead. Which one's had 'woops'?

>>> log.line(str)
<Log: 1 lines>

Querying with Functions

You can use functions for querying too. These must be predicates (functions that return a truth-y or false-y value). They accept the attribute you're querying for as a single parameter. Here's all the log lines that had the letter "l" in the "msg" key:

>>> log.msg(lambda msg: 'l' in msg)
<Log: 5 lines>

So what were those messages?:

>>> log.msg(lambda msg: 'l' in msg).msg()
['All is well.', 'Hello', 'World']

Querying with Regexes

You can use compiled regexes to search as well:

>>> import re
>>> r1 = re.compile('f')
>>> log.file(r1)
<Log: 4 lines>

>>> r2 = re.compile('b')
>>> log.file(r, r2)
<Log: 11 lines>

Querying via Calling the Log Instance

A different way to query is by calling a log instance with arguments. A log instance will accept keyword arguments mapping to the attributes of your log lines, as well as dictionaries and lambdas.

Calling with No Arguments (Copying)

To get a copy of the current log, you can just call the log with no arguments:

>>> log2 = log()
>>> log2
<Log: 14 lines>

>>> log2 == log

>>> log2 is log

Calling with Keywords

>>> log(file='')
<Log: 4 lines>

>>> log(file=lambda file: file == '')
<Log: 4 lines>

>>> log(file=str)
<Log: 14 lines>

>>> log(file=re.compile('f'))
<Log: 4 lines>

Calling with Dictionaries

>>> log({'tags': 'food', 'line': int})
<Log: 5 lines>

These dictionary support "notting" the keywords by prefixing them with a "~". To get all the log lines that did not have "food" as a tag, but whose "line" key was an integer:

>>> log({'~tags': 'food', 'line': int})
<Log: 5 lines>

For dictionary searching, all of the items specified must be True for a log line to match (i.e. dictionary searching is ANDy in nature). The dictionary is a specification to which the log line must conform.

You can use types, predicate functions, and compiled regexes in dictionary searches:

>>> log({
...   'tags': lambda tags: 'food' in tags or 'warn' in tags
...   'line': int,
...   'file': re.compile('b')
... })
<Log: 5 lines>

Calling with Predicate Function

You can pass a predicate function to a log. The predicate accepts a line as a single argument:

>>> log(lambda line: line.file == '')
<Log: 4 lines>

You can pass as many dictionaries and predicate functions to log() as you like:

log({'tags': 'food'}, {'tags': 'warn'})
<Log: 1 lines>

>>> log({'tags': 'food'}, lambda line: line.line == 12)
<Log: 1 lines>

Adding and Subtracting Logs

You can add, subtract, and equate logs:

>>> log
<Log: 14 lines>

# get all the log lines from and
>>> log2 = log.file('', '')
>>> log2
>>> <Log: 11 lines>

# get another log that is the initial log minus all the log lines from
# and
>>> log3 = log - log2
>>> log3
<Log: 3 lines>

# or more succinctly
>>> log - log.file('', '')
<Log: 3 lines>

>>> log2 + log3
<Log: 14 lines>

>>> log2 + log3 == log

Dealing with Unstructured Data

The real world is hardly structured. There are lots of logs out there with no structure. Sometimes you have to abide by conventions. Sometimes there is inertia or paths of least resistance.

Let's suppose that your logs are mostly JSON, but they are prefixed with a timestamp that you need to parse out first. They look like this:

2013-08-15 00:12:43-0400 {"line": 11, "file": "", "msg": "Hello"}

You want to put that timestamp into a 'date' key for each log line. To create a custom jog method that can do this we just need to override the parse step. The parse step is where you turn an iterable of blobs (log lines) into an iterable of dictionaries. Let's do that:

def parser(chunks):

    dictionaries = []

    for chunk in chunks:

            parts = chunk.split('{')
            json_data = '{' + '{'.join(parts[1:])
            d = JSON.loads(json_data)
            d['date'] = parts[0].strip()
        except Exception as ex:
                'unparsed': chunk

    return dictionaries

To create the jogger, use the Jogger class:

from jogger import Jogger
jog = Jogger(parser=parser).jog
log = jog('my.log')

If you want to see log lines that were unparse-able:

unparsed = log(unparsed=str)

To check if there were any unparsed lines at all:

were_there_unparsed_lines = 'unparsed' in log.attributes

If that's False then there were no log lines that had an 'unparsed' key.


Jogger homogenizes all the log lines so that they all have the same set of keys/attributes. It will attempt to infer a default value if you didn't explicitly offer one. If it can't infer a default then a key will be given the special value jogger.NoValue (an empty class).

To provide default values, just create a new Log definition (a class) and specify class attributes:

class MyLog(object):

    line = 0
    file = 'unknown'
    func = 'unknown'
    tags = []

When you create a jog method, pass this class in:

jog = Jogger(parser=parser, log=MyLog).jog

How jogger Works

Log parsing and navigating is (somewhat) easy in Python. jogger is essentially just a light tool that encapsulates everyday, normal, you-should-be-able-to-figure-this-out Python programming. The tool aims to give you one thing: a human and machine-friendly interface into log data.

Let's reiterate a bit.

jogger provides function hooks to create any kind of jogger. You do so via the Jogger object:

from jog import Jogger

jogger uses the following data operations, one at a time, in a pipeline:

read -> chunk -> parse -> bunch -> inspect -> patch

As an end user, the first three operations are the ones most likely to be supplied by you. You are also likely to create your own Line and Log classes.

The default jog method (from jogger import jog) is from the default jogger (from jogger import jogger), which is a file-and-new-line-based JSON jogger (as you've seen). It assumes that:

  • logs are on file on disk
  • log lines are separated by new lines
  • log lines are most likely in JSON format

In source you will see that jogger.jogger is constructed like this:

jogger = Jogger()

The __init__ method for Jogger has defaults like this:

def __init__(self, reader=reader,

All of those defaults are functions in, with the exception of the last three, which are classes. Most of the functions are simple one-or-two liners. This structure allows you to replace any of the steps required in building a jogger. You can replace the read operation, the chunking, the parsing, or all three. Here's the default reader function:

def reader(file_name):

    with open(file_name, 'r') as f:

That's just basic Python 101. There isn't even any error checking. (I've left that to user code.) Here's the default chunker function:

def chunker(blob):

    return [chunk for chunk in blob.split('\n') if chunk.strip()]

Again, rather boring Python code (good!). The default parser function:

def parser(chunks):

    dictionaries = []
    for chunk in chunks:
                'unparsed': chunk

    return dictionaries

Pretty simple. The default buncher:

def buncher(line_class, dictionaries):

    return [line_class(dictionary) for dictionary in dictionaries]

For a note on what a "bunch" class is, and why I'm using this term, see:

The Bunch Class

The code for the inspect and patch operations is less simple, but you shouldn't have to worry about those.

A Python DB API Database Jogger

Sometimes logs are stored in databases. Here is an example of a database jog method (in this case, Oracle):

def reader(cursor, sql, params):

    Get data from somewhere

    cursor.execute(sql, params)
    return (
        [desc[0].lower() for desc in cursor.description],

def parser(chunks):

    Turn the chunked log lines into dictionaries

    columns, rows = chunks
    return [{columns[i]: v for i, v in enumerate(row)} for row in rows]

from jogger import Jogger

# The chunking step is not necessary because the database already
# returns chunked data (aka rows), so we set the chunker to None
jog = Jogger(reader=reader, chunker=None, parser=parser).jog

import cx_Oracle
conn = cx_Oracle.Connection('some_user/some_password@some_db')
sql = """
    SELECT code, type, ship_date
    FROM order_log
    WHERE employee = :employee_name
    AND ship_date >= sysdate - 100
params = {'employee_name': 'jon.dobson'}

log = jog(conn.cursor(), sql, params)

print (log)
# <Log: 9 lines>

print (log.attributes)
# ['code', 'type', 'ship_date']

print (log.type())
# ['book', 'magazine', 'gift card']

print (log.type('book'))
# <Log: 4 lines>

Example Enhancement: Positional Navigation

Included in source is a PositionalLog class definition. You can use this to enhance your jogger like so:

>>> from jogger import PositionalLog
>>> jog= Jogger(log=PositionalLog).jog
>>> log = jog('test.log')

Your log now contains a positional marker that is set to 0 when the log is created. The marker endows the log with a "current log line". You can get the current log line like so:

>>> log.current()
<jogger.Line object at 0x000000000233E080>

>>> log.current() == log[0]

>>> log.position() == 0

You can move the marker forward:

<jogger.Line object at 0x000000000233EF60>

>>> log.current() == log[1]

>>> log.position() == 1

Similarly, you can move the marker backward:

>>> log.previous()
<jogger.Line object at 0x000000000233E080>

>>> log.current() == log[0]

>>> log.position() == 0

If you move backward or forward too far, you will get an error:

>>> log.previous()
Traceback (most recent call last):

You can go to the start and end of a log like so:

>>> log.end().current() == log[-1]

>>> log.start().current() == log[0]

You can manually set the position:

>>> log.position(2).current() == log[2]

Object Querying

The object querying in jogger is done in one of two ways. Either by calling attributes derived from keys (attribute methods), or by calling the log with dictionaries, predicate functions, and keywords. What this amounts to is a small query language for objects. The functionality is minimal, and could be expanded. Rather than do this myself I defer to the explorations of others:


If you want to expand on the object querying capabilities of your jog method, you can modify the Log definition like so:

class MyLog(object):

    def __init__(self, lines, *args, **kwargs):

        # some extra initialization

    def some_extra_functionality(self):

        for line in self:
            print (line)

jog = Jogger(log=MyLog).jog
log = jog('test.log')


If you've got lots of different kinds of logs to explore, you'll have a bunch of different parser functions stored somewhere. Some of the log parsing tools out there rely on regex repositories for different log types. You can do this too. It might be handy to keep a set of common log parser functions included with the jogger project. An attempt to do that may [edit: has] happen(ed).

A jog catalogue (a jogalog?) is now available at jogger.catalogue. Two joggers have been added to it. One for the Common Log Format as used by popular web servers (Apache, nginx, etc.) and another for the Combined Log Format. (jogger.catalogue.common_jog and jogger.catalogue.combined_jog respectively.) Additionally, the json-based jogger demonstrated throughout this document is available as jogger.catalogue.json_jogger.

>>> from jogger.catalogue import common_jog as jog
>>> log = jog('my_common_log.log')
>>> log
<Log: 14566 lines>

>>> from jogger.catalogue import combined_jog as jog
>>> log = jog('my_combined_log.log')
>>> log
<Log: 4988 lines>

Both of these joggers have been built on a regex parser that you can use on your own (knowledge of regexes required, of course). Assuming a simple log with lines like this:

[10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] "user foo logged in" could use the regex parser like so:

>>> from jogger import Jogger
>>> from jogger.catalogue import regex_parser
>>> regex = '[(.*?)\] "(.*?)"'
>>> field_map = [
        ('timestamp', lambda x: datetime.strptime(x.split(' ')[0], '%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S')),
        ('message', lambda x: x)
>>> parser = partial(regex_parser, regex, field_map)
>>> jog = Jogger(parser=parser).jog
>>> log = jog('my_simple_log.log')
>>> log.attributes
['timestamp', 'message']
>>> log[0].timestamp
datetime.datetime(2000, 10, 10, 13, 55, 36)
>>> log[0].message
user foo logged in

There are more "advanced" concepts involved in this example - such as functools.partial and regexes - but that's what the Internet is for!

Other Thoughts


jogger as it stands is kind of half a micro-ORM. It's the read half. It reads in data and translates it into objects - it has no facility to write or save changes. Generically the default Line class == an Object and the default Log class == a Collection. I imagine you could make it more ORMy by implementing your own custom Log definition.

Nested Structures

Although it can handle nested data, it seems like the best way to log is flat - i.e. one level deep. None of the examples showed logs with nested structures. jogger currently handles this by recursively turning all collections.Mapping objects (that includes dicts) into Line instances. If you have nested structures then your log lines will contain lines themselves.


Navigate log files.







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