- oak 0
- spruce 1
- birch 2
- jungle 3
- acacia 0
- dark oak 1
- oak 0
- spruce 1
- birch 2
- jungle 3
- acacia 4
- dark oak 5
- tube 0
- brain 1
- bubble 2
- fire 3
- horn 4
- stone 0
- granite 1
- diorite 3
- andesite 5
- prismarine 0
- dark prismarine 1
- prismarine bricks 2
- sand 0
- red sand 1
- terracota 0
- white 0
- orange 1
- magenta 2
- light blue 3
- yellow 4
- lime 5
- pink 6
- gray 7
- light gray 8
- cyan 9
- purple 10
- blue 11
- brown 12
- green 13
- red 14
- black 15
stone brick
- stone bricks 0
- mossy stone bricks 1
- cracked stone bricks 2
- chisled stone bricks 3
armor stand with tag system
command block repeat, unconditional, always active testforblock 0 63 0 air
command block chain, conditional, always active scoreboard players set @e[tag=system] foundair 1
YouTube credit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuCK1e7d_as World border: /execute @a ~~~ tag @a[x=-4000,y=-110,z=-4000,dx=8000,dy=500,dz=8000] add inside
/tp @a[tag=!inside,tag=!MOD] 0 100 0
/tag @a remove inside
Warning Border: /execute @a ~~~ tag @s[x=-3980,y=-110,z=-3980,dx=7960,dy=480,dz=7960] add warning
/title @a[tag=!warning,tag=!MOD] actionbar §l§6Approaching the border! §4Watch Out!
/playsound break.amethyst_block @a[tag=!warning,tag=!MOD]
/tag @a remove warning
/tag @s add MOD
- Death Check
- Summon mobs with gear?
- Chest sound and particle
- Upgrade bedrock particle
- mob spawn sound
- Fix readme
- build applicatoin to generate phases
- Make mctemplate
- Add void dimension json
- Give all chest structures names
- Color code names in chest structures
- investigate bonus rolls in loot tables?
- monster party sound